Observatory news: July 2024
Post-UA sunset!
Starting July 1, 2023, standard Universal Analytics properties stopped processing data. You'll be able to see your Universal Analytics reports for a period of time after July 1, 2023. However, new data will only flow into Google Analytics 4 properties.
We hope agencies successfully extracted all their data before the UA sunset on June 30th and that the transition to GA4 is running smoothly.
The new GA4 offers enhanced features such as improved event tracking, deeper insights and more robust cross-platform reporting capabilities. We encourage all users to fully explore GA4’s functionalities to drive more informed decision-making.
What’s new in Google Analytics?
Troubleshoot tag issues with Tag Diagnostics
You can use the Tag Diagnostics tool to find and fix issues with your website’s tags, ensuring your data collection is accurate. You can access the Tag Diagnostics tool from the Google Tag sections of both Google Ads and Google Analytics, and through Google Tag Manager.
Troubleshoot tag issues with Tag Diagnostics - Analytics Help (google.com)
Key event rate metrics in user acquisitions and traffic acquisitions
Google have updated the default user acquisition and traffic acquisition reports to include the user key event rate and session key event rate metrics If you've included these reports in your report navigation, you will see these key event rate metrics in the reports automatically.
Learn more about the key event rate metrics
Future training
Using the comparisons feature in GA4 for Government: 10:30am Wed, 24 July.
The 2024 Eventbrite training collection can be accessed at 2024 Observatory Training.
As always, if you have any requests for upcoming trainings, please send these through to observatory@dta.gov.au.