Observatory news March 2024
You will lose data if you don’t act now!
If you are still using Universal Analytics 360, you need to act fast.
Google is no longer investing in Universal Analytics (UA) and has already started decommissioning features.
As of 15 March 2024, Google has deprecated App Views in UA that receive data via the UA SDK or Measurement Protocol.
Starting the week of 1 July 2024, you will not be able to access any Universal Analytics properties or the API (not even with read-only access), and all data will be deleted.
While the standard sunset took weeks to complete, the full UA shutdown will happen within a week starting 1 July 2024. You must export your previously processed data before this date.
Keep up to date with Universal Analytics changes here:
- Google Analytics 4 has replaced Universal Analytics - Analytics Help
- What's new in Google Analytics - Analytics Help
New account and property notifications
It is a requirement that if you create a new account or property that you must amend your account and property listing and provide advice to observatory@dta.gov.au.
Failure to do so may result in a change to your subscription tier and an unexpected invoice for retrospective charges.
Due to the structure of the Observatory, with no account and property data linked, all agency event actuals and forecasting is undertaken manually and therefore this advice is even more important.
Please also ensure that you are naming your accounts and properties appropriately in accordance with the naming convention guidelines
The 2024 Eventbrite training collection can be accessed by clicking at 2024 Observatory Training.
If you have any requests for upcoming training, please send these through to observatory@dta.gov.au.