2. Purpose and expected benefits
Under Australia's AI Ethics Principles, the use of AI should have a clearly defined and beneficial purpose that is consistent with human, societal and environmental wellbeing.
2.1 Problem definition
Clearly and concisely identify the problem you are trying to solve. Use 100 words or less.
2.2 AI use case purpose
Clearly and concisely describe the purpose of your use of AI, focusing on how it will address the problem you have identified. Use 200 words or less.
2.3 Non-AI alternatives
Briefly outline nonAI alternatives that could address this problem. Use 100 words or less.
2.4 Identifying stakeholders
Identify stakeholder groups that may be affected by the AI use case and briefly describe how they may be affected, whether positively or negatively. This will guide your consideration of expected benefits and potential risks in this assessment.
Consider holding a brainstorm or workshop to help identify affected stakeholders and how they may be affected. A discussion prompt is provided in the guidance document.
2.5 Expected benefits
Considering the stakeholders identified in the previous question, identify the expected benefits of the AI use case. This should be supported by quantitative and/or qualitative analysis.
Qualitative analysis should consider whether there is an expected positive outcome and whether AI is a good fit to accomplish the relevant task, particularly compared to nonAI alternatives identified. Benefits may include gaining new insights or data.
Consult the guidance document for resources to assist you. Aim for 300 words or less.