12. Appendix G: Terms and definitions

Table 29: Terms and definitions
ABAPAdvanced Business Application Programming
AGAAustralian Government Architecture
AADAzure Active Directory
AGDAttorney-General's Department
APIApplication Programming Interface
APSAustralian Public Service
AVDAzure Virtual Desktop
AWSAmazon Web Services
B2RBudget to Report
BADiBusiness Add-in
BPMBusiness Process Management
BPMCBusiness Process Management Council
Built / BuildBuilt means the component has occurred and functional testing has been conducted. As agreed with Services Australia, where functional testing was not completed, the build status has been listed as not built. Note, no System Integration Testing (SIT) or User Acceptance Testing (UAT) was conducted as part of GovERP, which are required prior to deployment into a Production environment.
CBMSCommonwealth Budget Management System
COTSCommercial-off-the-shelf, an unaltered software application from a commercial provider
CustomisationCustomisation adapts the code to specific business requirements.
ConfigurationConfiguration involves tailoring the solution by selecting specific functionality from a list of those supported by the product. It is akin to setting defaults and ensures that the system executes business processes according to the preferences of each APS agency. Does not touch the core code but leverages the inherent flexibility of the enterprise software. Importantly, this approach aligns with the concept of a 'clean core', where the core system follows standardised guidelines and minimises customisations or modifications.
CTMCorporate Travel Management
Data StandardsDefined requirements for input data including but not limited to technical specifications for gathering, sharing, and storing data, character quantity and design by field, table standards, and field requirements.
DoFDepartment of Finance
DTADigital Transformation Agency
E2REnquire to Resolve
ERPEnterprise Resource Planning
FMISFinancial Management Information System
FTEFull Time Equivalent
GovERPInitial instance of the Government Enterprise Resource Planning (GovERP) provides cloud based back-office services including financial, human resources, and procurement services and reporting as a common platform for government.
GTPServices Australia GovERP Technology Platform. The core of GovERP was the IaaS platform termed the GovERP Technology Platform (GTP). GTP was built on Microsoft Azure technology intended to include a suite of technical security capabilities including Azure Sentinel, Microsoft Defender for Cloud, and Azure Active Directory.
H2RHire to Retire
HCMHuman Capital Management
HRHuman Resources
IaaSInfrastructure as a Service (IaaS provides a set of raw IT resources offered to the user by the service provider. They can be used to virtualise an infrastructure, or for resource-intensive projects
ICT / ITInformation Communication Technology / Information Technology
ICT IOFICT Investment Oversight Framework
InstanceRefers to the virtual server in which an application is hosted.
N/ANot applicable
MFAMulti-factor authentication

Minimum Viable Product 
Within GovERP, three templates exist:

  • MVP1.0: The 'full' GovERP solution, and the initial template as per Decision 12 (see Reference 1), outlining the MVP.
  • MVP1.1: This is the agreed template that was being developed by Services Australia at the time of GovERP pause, which is assessed within this report (see Reference 2).
  • MVP1.1 with AGD enhancements: This was the template, developed for the Attorney-General's Department (AGD), which incorporates specific requirements identified during implementation discovery.
P2APrepare to Adopt
P2PProcure to Pay
PaaSPlatform as a Service (PaaS) is the delivery of a base solution to a Consumer with the ability to have consumer-specific configuration to support services outside the scope of Shared Services. Under this model the Consumer was responsible for the configuration of the solution and the maintenance of the configuration, but the Technology Hub would have provided support for the base solution (e.g. system patching).
R2BRevenue to Bank
SA ERPServices Australia Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
SaaSSoftware as a Service (SaaS) is a delivery model that provides a standard solution to a Consumer but the responsibility for processing services remains with the Consumer (as opposed to the Provider Hub under a Managed Service model).
SAPBrand name
SAP S/4HANABrand name for SAP ERP tool, short for Source For HANA, a SAP proprietary database technology
SIEMSecurity information and event management
SIGSecure Internet Gateway
SITSystem Integration Testing
SOARSecurity orchestration automated response
SONStanding Order Number
SSCSAP Sovereign Cloud
SSOSingle sign-on
SSSCShared Services Sub-Committee
SSTP / SSPShared Services Transformation Program / Shared Services Program
TEMSTravel and Expense Management
Tenant / TenancyA tenant contains uniquely identified domains, users, security groups, and subscriptions within an instance. User accounts belong to a tenant, and application subscriptions are assigned to user accounts within the tenancy. Single tenancy means there is only one tenant in an instance. Multi-tenancy means the instance is shared by more than one tenant.
UATUser Acceptance Testing

WRICEF is an acronym used in business analysis and project management to represent the key components of a business process or system implementation. WRICEF stands for:

  • Workflows - the series of tasks or activities required to complete a business process.
  • Reports - the information outputs generated by the system.
  • Interfaces - the connections between different systems or components
  • Conversions - the process of migrating data from an old system to a new one.
  • Enhancements - additional features or improvements made to the system.
  • Forms - the user input screens or documents used in the business process.

The WRICEF framework helps ensure that all the key elements of a business system are identified and addressed during the implementation or improvement process.

The ongoing resource requirements for these WRICEF elements can include:

  • CPU, memory, and storage capacity to support the workflows, reports, and data conversions.
  • Network bandwidth for system interfaces and data transfers.
  • Development and maintenance resources to enhance and update the system over time.
  • Testing and quality assurance for changes to workflows, reports, and forms.
  • Training and support for end-users interacting with the system.



  1. Per Decision 12 of the Decision Framework Briefing_Outcomes of SSSC page 91 
  2. Build and test information reported by Services Australia was based on the MVP1.1 template.

Appendix H: Consolidated list of insights

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