Criterion 7 – Do no harm
Understanding how a service impacts users’ digital rights and privacy will protect them from adverse and unintended consequences.
Your responsibilities
To successfully meet this criterion, agencies will need to:
- protect users’ digital rights
- understand privacy impacts
- understand the limits of data.
When to apply
Apply Criterion 7 throughout Discovery, Alpha, Beta and Live to identify and manage existing and emergent risks to users.
Adhere to the criterion through the entire life of a service to minimise and, ideally, eliminate negative impacts on users, even if unintentional.
Questions for consideration
- Are there any adverse or unintended consequences foreseeable?
- Which user rights will be most affected?
- What data is drawn upon for decision-making?
- How will the findings of a Privacy Impact Assessment be addressed?
- How is the collection, use and storage of data being made clear to users?
- How is users’ informed consent being obtained?