Criterion 6 – Don’t reinvent the wheel
Drawing on other agencies’ experiences and adopting common platforms, patterns and standards will deliver value for government and familiarity to users.
Your responsibilities
To successfully meet this criterion, agencies will need to:
- ‘build once, use many times’
- design for a common, seamless experience
- reuse data where possible.
When to apply
Apply Criterion 6 during the Discovery and Alpha phases to capture potential solutions, new and existing, that the service could use to solve problems.
Foster a culture of sharing experiences with other agencies, build on the learnings taken from them and align to common platforms, patterns and standards throughout the Service design and delivery process.
Questions for consideration
- What could be aligned with on the Australian Government Architecture?
- What platforms, patterns and standards could the service reuse?
- What are the alternatives to building from scratch?
- Which agencies run similar services that could be built upon?
- How can new or bespoke components be made for future reuse?
- What data do we already collect, and can it be repurposed?
How to apply criterion 6
Guidance to not reinvent the wheel
To meet criteria 6 of the Digital Service Standard refer to the Digital Access Standard. The Digital Access standard is an extension of criteria 6 of the Digital Service Standard.