Home affairs

Department of Home Affairs

Tier 2 Projects
Project nameDCA 2024DCA 2025Delivery statusTotal budget ($ million)Digital budget ($ million)Project end dateProject description
Digital Trade Accelerator Projects (DTAP) (Simplified Trade System) Medium-HighActive29.920.530 Jun 2026The project will deliver a Digital Trade Accelerator program to improve cross-border trade by enhancing border and biosecurity risk assessments and government-to-business trade data sharing.
Foundations to enable the Single Trade Environment (STE) Medium-HighClosed19.019.031 Oct 2024This project delivered foundational capabilities for a Single Trade Environment to pilot an industry portal utilising a secure cloud environment and integration to modern identity services.
Seamless Traveller (IDEMIA Life Extension project)Not reportedMediumClosed114.8114.830 Jun 2024The IDEMIA Life Extension project will deliver a supported automated border clearance capability that underpins critical business operations for the Australian Border Force (ABF). It is focused on sustainment of capability rather than transformation. It will replace ageing Kiosks and SmartGates within existing airport arrivals terminals across Australia with a modern Generation 3 (Gen3) alternative.
Streamlining Cargo Intervention Model Trial HighActive25.225.230 Jun 2027This project will design, test and evaluate new cargo intervention models for cross-border trade. A trial will be conducted at a selected high-volume seaport.
Sustaining visa processing capabilityNot reportedMedium-HighActive24.224.230 Jun 2025This investment will improve existing visa systems in Home Affairs. Enhancements will be designed for future reuse and deliver broad operational benefits. This investment is an interim solution to sustain and enhance the existing ICT visa systems to improve visa service delivery to increase Australia’s attractiveness as a destination for travellers, temporary residents and migrants.


Tier 3 Projects
Project nameDelivery statusTotal budget ($ million)Digital budget ($ million)Project end dateProject description
ABF NEXUSActive6.16.131 Dec 2026This project will develop and trial the Australian Border Force (ABF) Nexus application in the air cargo domain and the development of the business case for full roll out of application across all operational domains Australia wide. Once rolled out, the application will be used nationally to record cargo examination information.
Paperless Trading - Digital Verification Platform (DVP)Active9.19.131 Mar 2025This project will implement a Digital Verification Platform for priority trade documentation that will simplify trade for Australian exporters with trusted digital trade documents.
Risk Assessment and Profiling for Vaping and Illicit TobaccoActive9.39.331 Dec 2026This project will uplift vaping and illicit tobacco risk targeting and threat detection in line with new compliance activities associated with Australian Government’s Vaping and Illicit Tobacco initiative. 


National Emergency Management Agency

Tier 3 Projects
Project nameDelivery statusTotal budget ($ million)Digital budget ($ million)Project end dateProject description
Disaster Program Management System (DPMS)Active7.47.401 Nov 2025The DPMS will accurately track Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements programs at the community level and generate improved insights into program management. It will improve the stability, automation and end-to-end processes, and create a robust foundation for improvements that will provide appropriate oversight of delivery of Commonwealth funded programs.


Certain numbers in this report have been rounded to one decimal place. Due to rounding, some totals may not correspond with the sum of the separate figures. 

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