CEO foreword

Digital technologies underpin essential Australian Government services for people, businesses and communities. Ensuring the Australian Public Service (APS) successfully harnesses these technologies for public benefit sits at the heart of recent efforts to strengthen how major digital projects are designed and delivered.

Major digital projects provide enormous benefits – changing, improving and even saving the lives of Australians. Successful delivery can be challenging, with many of the projects in this report among the largest and most complex projects being delivered in our region. The case studies in this report highlight the transformative impact of several projects but, with 110 active projects, it’s just scratching the surface. Investment in digital transformation is intensifying as agencies work to meet the expectations of Australians for simple, secure and connected services. These services require digital projects that build and sustain world-class data and digital capabilities.

Continuously improving how the Australian Government designs and delivers its digital projects is at the core of the Digital Transformation Agency’s (DTA) role. This work matters – it is ensuring robust investment planning and oversight is in place to meet the challenges of delivering major digital projects successfully. Central to this work is an ongoing focus on creating the conditions projects need to succeed.

Transparency is one such condition and is a cornerstone of good governance which, in turn, fosters trust and accountability. For the public, transparency means having access to information that allows them to understand and engage with government decisions and initiatives.

This is the second public report on the delivery confidence of the Australian Government’s major digital projects. It outlines significant investments to enhance government services and how these projects aim to make the government fit for the digital age.

A black-and-white image of Chris Fechner

Chris Fechner
Chief Executive Officer
Digital Transformation Agency

Key figures

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