Employment and workplace relations

Australian Skills Quality Authority 

Tier 2 Projects
Project nameDCA 2024DCA 2025Delivery status  Project end dateProject description
Digital Transformation Program (Strengthening Integrity of the VET sectors) HighActive37.821.130 Jun 2027The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) is the national regulator of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector. In February 2024, it commenced its 3.5-year Digital Transformation Program to address issues with current ICT systems and data capabilities. The objective of the Program is to ensure that ASQA is a modern, best practice regulator, through the implementation and integration of contemporary systems and applications that will ensure ASQA can efficiently and effectively deliver its regulatory and organisational priorities.


Department of Employment and Workplace Relations

Tier 1 Projects
Project nameDCA 2024DCA 2025Delivery statusTotal budget ($ million)Digital budget ($ million)Project end dateProject description
VSLConnect  Not reportedMedium-HighActive41.724.730 Jun 2025This project is enabling the Australian Government to better realise the benefits of the VET Student Loans (VSL) program and minimise the risk of occurrences such as the recent historical student debt issue. It will have a stronger focus on compliance and automation, and deliver a system that is a flexible, scalable and stable with a greatly enhanced data collection, integration and analytics capability.


Tier 2 Projects
Project nameDCA 2024DCA 2025Delivery statusTotal budget ($ million)Digital budget ($ million)Project end dateProject description
Apprenticeship Modernisation Program (AMP)Medium HighHighClosed39.231.930 Jun 2024The Apprenticeships Data Management System (ADMS) streamlined the delivery of apprenticeship programs and services, reduced the administrative burden of employers and apprentices, and provided better data to support evidence-based policy decision-making. An innovative and modernised IT system will enhance direct engagement with apprentices and employers, and streamline processes for providers, enabling them to concentrate on providing advisory services.
New Energy ApprenticeshipsNot reportedHighClosed17.217.230 Jun 2024The New Energy Apprenticeships Program is contributing to Australia’s transition to a cleaner future. It is designed to encourage apprentices to choose clean energy careers, improve retention rates and deliver more successful completions by providing direct financial support to Australian apprentices commencing an Australian apprenticeship in a clean energy occupation.
Onboarding complementary programs onto the Workforce Australia Digital PlatformMedium-HighMedium-HighClosed34.914.230 Jun 2024This project seeks to onboard 3 complementary programs from their existing legacy ICT systems to the Workforce Australia Digital Platform (the platform). Onboarding these complementary programs to the platform will deliver improvements to user experiences, program uptake, policy agility and better technical sustainability. Ultimately more individuals will be supported through these complementary programs to find work or start their own business.
Parents Next Replacement Solution / Voluntary Pre employment Service for Parents Medium-HighActive116.942.430 Jun 2026The project is supporting the implementation of Parent Pathways, a voluntary service that provides personalised assistance and financial support to eligible parents and carers of children up to the age of 6 years. This included extending ParentsNext to 31 October 2024 and introducing Parent Pathways from 1 November 2024, which included releasing the IT system on the Workforce Australia Digital Platform and the APS Pilot. As part of the project, enhancements will be made to Parent Pathways.
Targeted Support for Apprenticeships (Option 1)Not reportedHighClosed9.39.330 Jun 2024This project introduced a new non-financial support model for Australian apprenticeships from 1 July 2024. The model redesigned and refocused key support services delivered by the Australian Apprenticeship Support Network to increase apprenticeship completion rates and the diversity of the apprentice workforce.


Tier 3 Projects
Project nameDelivery statusTotal budget ($ million)Digital budget ($ million)Project end dateProject description
Enhancements to the Workforce Australia Digital Platform to administer the redesigned foundation skills programActive10.910.930 Jun 2025This project is to deliver enhancements to the Workforce Australia Digital Platform to administer the redesigned Skills for Education and Employment program.
Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme insourcingActive6.16.130 Jun 2025The project transferred the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility Information System (PALMIS) to the department’s infrastructure from July to December 2023. Work is now focused on expanding and enhancement to align PALMIS with the department’s operating model. PALMIS will provide strong oversight and reporting which will support the Australian Government’s plan to Build a Stronger Pacific Family, uphold worker protections, and address unmet labour needs in regional and rural Australia.
Reconnection, Employment and Learning ProgramActive76.28.631 Dec 2026This project supports the implementation of Reconnection, Employment and Learning (REAL) Program that is replacing the Time to Work Employment Service (TWES). The REAL Program is a voluntary program that will support First Nations prisoners aged 15 years and over to transition from the justice system into employment. As part of the project, the department is also seeking changes to the Capability Building Fund (that supports new employment service providers) in order to support REAL providers to fulfil the department’s requirements for accreditation in the department’s ICT cyber security protection arrangements, so that they can access the Workforce Australia Digital Platform (WADP).
Time to Work Employment Service - ExtensionClosed5.70.430 Jun 2024This project supported the extension of the Time to Work Employment Service (TWES) in non-remote areas for 12 months to 30 June 2024, with a new program being introduced from 1 July 2025. The TWES supported First Nations prisoners to connect with employment services and to help more First Nations prisoners move from prison to paid work. The TWES in non-remote areas ceased on 30 June 2024.


Certain numbers in this report have been rounded to one decimal place. Due to rounding, some totals may not correspond with the sum of the separate figures. 


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