
Administrative Review Tribunal

Tier 2 Projects
Project nameDCA 2024DCA 2025Delivery statusTotal budget ($ million)Digital budget ($ million)Project end dateProject description
Case Management Solution ProgramNot reportedMedium- HighActive29.629.630 Jun 2027This project will establish a new single case management system for the Administrative Review Tribunal (ART), replacing multiple outdated legacy systems that the ART currently relies on. The new, whole-of agency case management system will improve ART users digital experience and staff productivity to support the ART’s statutory objectives.


Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission

Tier 1 Projects
Project nameDCA 2024DCA 2025Delivery statusTotal budget ($ million)Digital budget ($ million)Project end dateProject description
National Criminal Intelligence System (NCIS)Medium- HighMedium


373.7373.730 Jun 2027The NCIS will provide secure access to a national view of criminal information and intelligence. 


Tier 2 Projects
Project nameDCA 2024DCA 2025Delivery statusTotal budget ($ million)Digital budget ($ million)Project end dateProject description
National Automated Fingerprint Identification System (NAFIS) NextGenMedium-HighMedium-HighActive40.240.230 Jun 2025The NAFIS NextGen will provide improved system serviceability by implementing a modern, future-proof software platform and cloud infrastructure hosting for the matching of national fingerprint data.
National Firearms Register (NFR) MediumActive166.748.830 Jun 2028 The NFR will provide an end-to-end firearm, licence and permit information sharing and management ecosystem. The Register will deliver timely, consistent, and accurate information on firearms and owners across all jurisdictions to improve police and community safety and law enforcement capability.


Tier 3 Projects
Project nameDelivery statusTotal budget ($ million)Digital budget ($ million)Project end dateProject description
Secure Internet Gateway transitionActive6.46.430 Jun 2025Transition of the Secure Internet Gateway (SIG) to provide the agency with secure entry and exit points for services consumed and provided via the internet. This project relates to operations and funding arrangements for the ACIC.


Australian Federal Police

Tier 3 Projects
Project nameDelivery statusTotal budget ($ million)Digital budget ($ million)Project end dateProject description
Investigation Management Solution (IMS) ProgramActive45.045.030 Jun 2025The IMS is providing the Australian Federal Police (AFP) with the ability to manage investigative processes and related investigative information in a single system, enabling a consistent approach to the management of investigative information across the AFP.


Attorney-General’s Department

Tier 3 Projects
Project nameDelivery statusTotal budget ($ million)Digital budget ($ million)Project end dateProject description
Secure Court Information Management System (SCIMS)Active30.79.530 Jun 2028The Australian Government requires the development and delivery of a digital, secure, accredited and high-availability remote access court information management system to support the electronic presentation and protection of classified material (up to and including SECRET) for legal matters which will deal with National Security Information (NSI) materials in the lead up to, and during court proceedings.


Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC)

Tier 2 Projects
Project nameDCA 2024DCA 2025Delivery statusTotal budget ($ million)Digital budget ($ million)Project end dateProject description
Anti Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Reforms Program Medium-LowActive160.865.730 Jun 2026The Australian Government is reforming Australia’s Anti Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) regime to combat illicit financing and meet international standards, extending regulation to Tranche 2 entities. AUSTRAC will implement these changes, increasing the regulated population from 17,000 to over 100,000. This expansion will profoundly impact AUSTRAC’s regulatory activities, requiring a redesign of its approach.


Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions

Tier 3 Projects
Project nameDelivery statusTotal budget ($ million)Digital budget ($ million)Project end dateProject description
Evidence Management Modernisation Program (EMMP) formerly Digital Litigation Solutions (DLS)Active22.72.930 Apr 2025This investment is modernising how digital evidentiary material is managed by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (Commonwealth) by introducing a digital solution and establishing an internal digital evidence capability to more effectively manage large volumes of digital evidence. This investment involves transitioning from legacy systems and establishing optimum support arrangements in support of an efficient prosecution service.


National Anti-Corruption Commission

Tier 2 Projects
Project nameDCA 2024DCA 2025Delivery statusTotal budget ($ million)Digital budget ($ million)Project end dateProject description
Establishment of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC)HighHighClosed201.012.230 Jun 2024In establishing the independent National Anti-Corruption Commission, as part of the overall funding provided by the Australian Government in the 2022–-23 October Budget, $63.5 million was provided for the establishment of an 'Independent ICT environment for the Commission’.


Certain numbers in this report have been rounded to one decimal place. Due to rounding, some totals may not correspond with the sum of the separate figures. 

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