Glossary of acronyms, abbreviations and terms
Term/acronym | Definition | |
ACCC | Australian Competition and Consumer Commission | |
API | Application Programming Interface | |
API Gateway | A tool that manages and optimizes API traffic. | |
APS | Australian Public Service | |
Artificial intelligence | A machine-based system that, for explicit or implicit objectives, infers, from the input it receives, how to generate outputs such as predictions, content, recommendations, or decisions that can influence physical or virtual environments. Different AI systems vary in their levels of autonomy and adaptiveness after deployment. | |
ASIC | Australian Securities and Investments Commission | |
Assurance Framework | Assurance Framework for Digital and ICT Investments | |
ATO | Australian Taxation Office | |
Business case | A document outlining the justifications for funding and commencement of a government project. | |
CDoF | Crack Down on Fraud | |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer | |
Corporate Commonwealth Entities | A body corporate that is legally distinct from the Commonwealth and can exercise legal rights including entering contracts and owning property. | |
Cryptographic keypair technology | A security technology using a public encryption key and a private decryption key pair. | |
Data lakes | A centralised storage system for large amounts of raw or unprocessed data. | |
DCA | Delivery Confidence Assessment | |
DCAP | Digital Capability Assessment Process | |
De-identified | Data that has been removed of any identifying information, making it impossible to identify the person it was originally associated with. | |
Delivery confidence | A snapshot assessment based on available governance, resource management, delivery management, solution design, business case and other evidence to approximate the overall likelihood of a digital project to deliver expected benefits for Australians on time and on budget. | |
Diesel exhaust fluid | A liquid used to reduce the amount of air pollution created by a diesel engine. | |
Digital ID | Digital Identification | |
Digital projects | An investment of government funds into the purchasing or development of digital or ICT technologies as part of a larger project or on its own. | |
Digital transformation | Integration of modern digital and ICT technologies into government processes and services. | |
Discovery work | Activities undertaken to explore, validate and define what needs to be built before committing to development. | |
DTA | Digital Transformation Agency | |
Enclosed system | A security and data system that is isolated from the internet and external environment which prevents data entering and leaving. | |
FFT | Fraud Fusion Taskforce | |
Gateway review | An additional assurance practice to assist non-corporate Commonwealth entities to successfully deliver high risk projects and programs. | |
Geospatial digital projects | Use geospatial data to create digital models of the physical world. | |
ICT | Information and Communication Technology | |
IIAP | ICT Investment Approval Process | |
Integrated data platforms | A system that collects, integrates, and analyses data from multiple sources. | |
Machine learning | A type of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows software applications to become more accurate in predicting outcomes without being explicitly programmed. | |
MYEFO | Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook | |
NASC | National Anti-Scam Centre | |
NDIA | National Disability Insurance Agency | |
NDIS | National Disability Insurance Scheme | |
NMI | National Measurement Institute | |
PDRS | Project Data Reporting Standard | |
Product/service enhancement investments | Improve the operations of an existing product or service. | |
RAP | Resourcing Australia’s Prosperity Initiative | |
SFIA | Skills Framework for the Information Age | |
SRO | Senior Responsible Official | |
Superannuation guarantee | The minimum amount of superannuation paid to employees by their employer. | |
Sustainment investments | Sustainment involves the provision of in-service support, including repair and maintenance, engineering, supply and replacement parts, configuration management and disposal action. | |
Technical debt | The cost of future work that results from choosing a quick solution over a more efficient one. | |
Tranche | A group of smaller related objectives or actions that are delivered as part of a larger project. Often Tranche 1 establishes processes and supports required for further Tranches to be delivered. | |
VET | Vocational Education and Training | |
WELD | Waste Exports Licencing and Declaration |