Prime Minister and Cabinet

Australian Public Service Commission 

Tier 3 Projects
Project nameDelivery statusTotal budget ($ million)Digital budget ($ million)Project end dateProject description
Workforce Metrics Modernisation ProgramActive4.84.819 Dec 2025The program seeks to stabilise the APS employment database improving its security, usability and functionality. It will integrate APS employment data with existing Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data assets to enable authorised users to drive greater insights about the APS workforce.


Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

Tier 2 Projects
Project nameDCA 2024DCA 2025Delivery statusTotal budget ($ million)Digital budget ($ million)Project end dateProject description
Cyber Upgrades to Reduce Exposure (CURE) Phase 2Not reportedMedium-HighActive22.922.930 Jun 2025The Cyber Upgrades to Reduce Exposure (CURE) program is designed to deliver a broad range of cyber security and ICT uplift initiatives for the Department. The CURE program was first reported in the 2024 digital project data release. At the time, the program was focussed on uplifting the security posture of the Department’s environment for less classified information. Phase 2 has expanded the focus to also uplift the security posture of the Department’s environment for more sensitive information as well as deliver improved cyber monitoring capabilities.


Certain numbers in this report have been rounded to one decimal place. Due to rounding, some totals may not correspond with the sum of the separate figures. 

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