Health and aged care

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission

Tier 3 Projects
Project nameDelivery statusTotal budget ($ million)Digital budget ($ million)Project end dateProject description
Response to the Final Report of the Capability Review of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC)Active69.469.430 Jun 2026Cyber security remediation activities will increase the Commission’s cyber resilience, increase the capacity of ICT delivery and support services to address critical operational constraints and provide enabling skills and capabilities required to support and operate the new Aged Care Act 2024 services. This increase will address critical constraints in providing the enabling capabilities to support best practice, evidence-based, contemporary regulatory program delivery.


Australian Digital Health Agency

Tier 3 Projects
Project nameDelivery statusTotal budget ($ million)Digital budget ($ million)Project end dateProject description
My Health Record on FHIR (Fast Health Interoperability Resources)Active38.438.430 Jun 2025The project will establish a new national repository service to improve the My Health Record system aligned with the contemporary health industry data standard Health Level 7 (HL7) FHIR. This supports mobile app enablement in alignment with the National Digital Health Strategy 2023–2028. Its vision is to enable a contemporary capability for My Health Record, as a foundation for the healthcare modernisation journey, which will increase value to customers and healthcare providers accessing data.


Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency

Tier 3 Projects
Project nameDelivery statusTotal budget ($ million)Digital budget ($ million)Project end dateProject description
Ensuring Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety for All AustraliansActive2.52.501  Jun 2026The agency is presently developing a prototype of a self-service portal that will enable customers of the agency’s Personal Radiation Monitoring Service (PRMS) to access a range of online capabilities. This project has been prompted by both internal and external stakeholders who have identified an urgent need to improve the current processes, enhance accessibility, and fulfil customer expectations.


Department of Health and Aged Care

Tier 1 Projects
Project nameDCA 2024DCA 2025Delivery statusBudget ($ million)Digital budget ($ million)Project end dateProject description
Aged Care ICT to Enable Reform & Regulatory Model Medium-LowActive407.6407.630 Jun 2026This project involves the design and delivery of the business and digital projects requirements to support the implementation and operationalisation of the Aged Care Act 2024.
Improving Aged Care Data and Tracking Quality (IACDTQ) ProgramMedium-LowMediumClosed150.990.504 Dec 2024The primary goals for this investment are to support reforms to the Aged Care system by delivering ICT solutions that reduce provider administration burden, improve the quality and transparency of key data across the system, and reduce ongoing ICT costs across Health and Aged Care as systems are standardised and consolidated on a modern ICT platform.
At the time of preparing this report, this project is subject to the escalation protocols set out in the Assurance Framework for Digital and ICT-enabled Projects. These protocols are designed to support agencies in the timely resolution of delivery challenges.
Support at Home ICT EnablementMedium-LowLowActive174.7115.801 Sep 2025

The program aims to provide consumers with a single system for support at home that puts them at the centre of their care. It seeks to ensure that consumers receive funding and services that match their needs and support them to remain independent at home.

At the time of preparing this report, this project is subject to the escalation protocols set out in the Assurance Framework for Digital and ICT-enabled Projects. These protocols are designed to support agencies in the timely resolution of delivery challenges.


Tier 2 Projects
Project nameDCA 2024DCA 2025Delivery statusBudget ($ million)Digital budget ($ million)Project end dateProject description
Transition of the National COVID-19 Vaccine Program – Vaccine Data and DigitalNot reportedNot reportedClosed67.455.430 Jun 2024The National COVID-19 Vaccine Program has been transitioning to sustainable ongoing operations as emergency response settings are no longer required. This project facilitated platforms that were critical to ensuring Australians could access COVID-19 vaccines throughout the pandemic, supporting over 72 million vaccinations with over 50 million searches for appointments through the Vaccine Clinic Finder and almost 5 million calls to the National Coronavirus Helpline to help people with information.


Tier 3 Projects
Project nameDelivery statusTotal budget ($ million)Digital budget ($ million)Project end dateProject description
Alternative Clinical Arrangements for Facilities Unable to Meet RN Onsite RequirementActive65.19.930 Jun 2027This refinement to 24/7 Registered nurse policy will ensure effective regulation through reporting refinements, and establish the Virtual Nursing Pilot Program and communications to promote aged care sector work.
Continued COVID-19 support for aged careActive318.05.631 Dec 2024

The primary goal of this project is to continue a range of COVID-19 outbreak management supports.

The digital/ICT component funding was secured for implementation of a new Emergency Management Portal to replace the existing COVID-19 Support Portal.

Enhanced Regulatory Model for Vaping ProductsActive135.47.130 Jun 2025The primary goal of this project is to uplift digital processes to support the new vaping reform legislation. The project will support sponsors to supply vapes that meet the new standards and enhance systems to enable staff to conduct post market reviews and manage compliance. These changes will help provide patients and health practitioners with increased confidence in the quality and safety of vapes used for the purpose of smoking cessation.
Essential aged care information and communication technologies system maintenance and enhancements (ACFR/QFR)Closed30.329.430 Jun 2024The primary goal for this investment is to redevelop the Quarterly Financial Report through which providers supply crucial financial and service quality information to government, ensuring that aged care reforms around transparency and accountability can be delivered.
Establish a registration scheme for personal care workersActive114.820.130 Jun 2028This project is enabling the Australian Government’s commitment to establish a national worker registration scheme. The project includes delivery of an ICT solution that expands the existing National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) worker screening system to include aged care worker screening. The expanded ICT system will create a national approach to worker screening for aged care providers, with ongoing monitoring of exclusion to better protect older people.
Funding for the Regulation of Medicinal Cannabis – Cost Recovery Model Update and Office of Drug Control Business TransformationActive3.02.320 Dec 2025The Office of Drug Business Transformation project supports the transformation of the Office of Drug Control business processes and digital/ICT systems. Prior reliance on outdated and inefficient manual business processes have impacted Australia’s legal narcotics industry and this project will implement the outcomes of a review undertaken in 2022 to modernise systems to ensure they can support the industry and compliance activity, as well as aligning with other regulators’ digital transformation systems.
HPRG Transformation Program Closed49.439.723 Jul 2024Health Products Regulation Group (HPRG, known externally as the Therapeutic Goods Administration, the TGA) is modernising its business systems and processes to reduce administrative burden on Australian medicines and medical devices businesses in their interactions with the TGA.
Implementation of New Legislation to Modernise Nationally Harmonised Gene Technology Scheme: More Effective Delivery of RegulationClosed3.71.625 Jul 2024This project involved preparatory work to implement legislative change, with system enhancements to enable efficient and effective operation of the new legislation. A fully integrated portal system will also be built to support stakeholder engagement and compliance with the regulatory system, and increase transparency of the operation of the Gene Technology Scheme.
Integrated Aged Care Information and Intelligence (RBITS)Active42.720.330 Jun 2027The department has developed a Risk Based Targeting and Information Sharing (RBTIS) Program of work to enable the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission to better target its regulation of aged care providers (both residential aged care and home care) that are at risk of failing to provide quality care. The system achieves this by extracting different data elements from over a dozen major sources into information sharing dashboards.
Registered nurses on site 24/7 and More carers with more time to care (Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN-ACC) Care MinutesClosed20.913.331 Dec 2024This project supported implementation of the commitment to make nurses available at all residential aged care facilities, 24/7 from 1 July 2023 and to increase care minutes from 1 October 2024.
Residential Aged Care Funding Reform (RACFR) Enhancements and Hotelling SupplementActive24.316.330 Jun 2025This investment will support implementation arrangements for the Australian Government’s election commitment to fund the Fair Work Commission decision for residential care aged care workers, and the annual adjustment in Australian National Aged Care Classification (AN ACC) funding to account for changes in aged care costs such as inflation. Necessary adjustments to the AN ACC referral, assessment and reporting functions in addition to a new hotelling supplement are also included. Progress is monitored by the RACFR Program Board.


Inspector-General of Aged Care

Tier 3 Projects
Project nameDelivery statusTotal budget ($ million)Digital budget ($ million)Project end dateProject description
Establish the Inspector-General of Aged Care and the Office of the Inspector-General of Aged Case as a Statutory AgencyActive25.225.230 Jun 2027

This project has established the Office of the Inspector-General of Aged Care (OIGAC), following a recommendation from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. The scope of the project includes delivery of ICT platforms and processes to ensure the OIGAC has the foundational infrastructure to support its function, with work split across 4 key workstreams:

  • Stream 1 Case Management (CRM)
  • Stream 2 Shared Services
  • Stream 3 Website
  • Stream 4 Data and Analytics.


Certain numbers in this report have been rounded to one decimal place. Due to rounding, some totals may not correspond with the sum of the separate figures. 

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