The Australian Government’s digital projects

This section introduces the 110 projects underway across the Australian Government. While these projects vary dramatically in scale, complexity and duration, they are all harnessing digital technologies to deliver world-class digital capabilities and services for Australians.

Report overview

This report features 110 of the Australian Government’s most complex and strategically significant digital projects, involving a total investment of $12.9 billion. Note: This number and value of projects excludes projects that entered central oversight following the 2024–25 Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) process, as well as any project data which has been withheld in the public interest (see Appendix for details).

To be included in this report, a project must:

  • primarily rely on digital technologies to achieve its aims
  • have been assigned a ‘tier’ rating, reflecting that it is a ‘major’ project sufficiently complex and strategically significant to require central oversight by the DTA.

While this report includes most high-profile projects, it does not cover all projects. For example, some projects are not sufficiently complex or strategically significant to receive a tier rating. Others have only recently been funded and will feature in future reports.

There are 3 possible tier ratings for digital projects, with higher tiered projects subject to increased levels of central monitoring and oversight:

  • Tier 1 projects are the Australian Government’s most complex and strategically significant digital projects.
  • Tier 2 projects are also complex and strategically significant, but with smaller scope, lower criticality and/or lower cost than Tier 1 projects.
  • Tier 3 projects are significant investments that generally represent lower risk.

Investment by sector

Digital projects under the DTA’s assurance oversight have been grouped into the following 9 sectors for the purposes of this report:

  1. Healthcare and aged care
  2. Industry, infrastructure and business
  3. Safety of Australians
  4. Agriculture and trade
  5. Resources and the environment
  6. Social services
  7. Education and employment
  8. Government
  9. Tax and super

Projects are delivering benefits for Australians across 9 sectors

Across these sectors, digital projects deliver outcomes by leveraging technologies, with many also involving non-digital spending. Projects replacing legacy systems and boosting cyber security can spend 100% of their budgets on technology, while other projects that enable organisational transformation and service improvement often involve a significant non-digital component.

For the projects included in this report, on average about two-thirds of the total project budget relates directly to digital technologies with one-third going to non-digital spending.

Breakdown of projects by sector. For all the information contained in this diagram, see the image description below.

Project budgets: $1M–$3B

Project duration: 1–35 Years

Projects range in total budget from less than $1 million to more than $3 billion, and in duration from one year to 35 years. What each of these projects has in common is that they are harnessing technology to deliver benefits for Australians.

Project budgets: 2/3 digital technologies

For the projects included in this report, on average about two-thirds of the total project budget relates directly to digital technologies with one-third going to non-digital spending.


“Certain numbers in this report have been rounded to one decimal place. Due to rounding, some totals may not correspond with the sum of the separate figures.” 

How the Australian Government manages its digital projects to support success

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