Appendix: Major digital projects list


This appendix contains information on digital projects the DTA is providing advice or assurance on, including in our role administering the Assurance Framework for Digital and ICT Investments (Assurance Framework). 

It includes details on active projects as well as projects that have concluded assurance oversight since the first public report in February 2024.

This appendix does not include: 

  • projects not subject to the Assurance Framework, or projects subject to the Assurance Framework that closed before February 2024
  • projects that involve sustaining existing digital capability that are not in-scope of the Assurance Framework 
  • recently funded projects yet to formally commence or enter assurance oversight 
  • projects led by agencies in the Australian Intelligence Community as well as the Department of Defence – these projects are subject to other assurance and oversight processes overseen by the Office of National Intelligence and Defence respectively.

Withheld project data

In a small number of cases, project data has been withheld at the request of lead agencies. Data is only withheld in exceptional circumstances where release would be prejudicial to the national interest and/or commercial negotiations. This includes in situations where releasing budget information would compromise the ability of agencies to achieve a value for money outcome in negotiations with commercial delivery partners. These are denoted as ‘NFP’ in the table in Overview by portfolio below.

Data collection and further enquiries

The DTA works closely with each Senior Responsible Official to validate data and monitor progress for every project. The DTA coordinates reporting across government to promote transparency to ministers and the Australian community. However, given the potential for commercial sensitivities to arise, especially when project challenges are being remediated, all project-specific enquiries should be directed to the relevant agency.

Explanation of table column headers 

The table in Overview by portfolio below includes the following column headers.

Column headerDescription
Project name The name of the project as advised by the lead agency. 
DCA 2024The delivery confidence for the project as reported in February 2024 (digital project data release).
DCA 2025The delivery confidence for the project for the purposes of this (February 2025) report. 
Delivery status The delivery status of the project for the purposes of this February 2025 report.
Total budget ($million)The total budget (including both digital and non-digital budget components). Numbers are rounded to one decimal place.
Digital budget ($ million)The portion of total budget devoted to the design, development, implementation, deployment, sustainment and testing of digital and ICT capability. Numbers are rounded to one decimal place.
Project end date For active projects, this is the expected end date of the project as advised by the lead agency. For projects that have concluded assurance oversight, this is the actual end date of the project as advised by the lead agency.
Project description 

A high-level description of the project, including: 

  • what it intends to deliver
  • whether the project has been subject to the Assurance Framework’s escalation protocols.


Key for delivery confidence 

Delivery confidence is an assessment of a project’s overall trajectory to deliver on intended outcomes and benefits. A lower delivery confidence rating signals there are issues or risks that need to be addressed. However, a low rating does not necessarily mean a project will
fail. Instead, it is an early warning, allowing for timely interventions to support the project team in mitigating risks and overcoming challenges.

The DTA plays a crucial role in this process. By working closely with agencies, we help to ensure that the right measures are taken when delivery confidence decreases. This involves providing guidance, resources and support to project teams, helping them make the best use of assurance processes, and promoting strategies to address emerging issues. This collaborative effort aims to improve the likelihood of successful project delivery, so that investments provide expected benefits to Australians and businesses.

Delivery confidence assessments are based on independent assurance assessments since the release of February 2024 report. Where an independent assessment is not available, the delivery confidence assessment is provided by the lead agency.

Rating Description 
High Successful delivery of the investment to time, cost, quality standards and benefits realisation appears highly likely and there are no major outstanding issues that at this stage appear to threaten delivery significantly.
Medium-High Successful delivery of the investment to time, cost, quality standards and benefits realisation appears probable however constant attention will be needed to ensure risks do not become major issues threatening delivery.
Medium Successful delivery of the investment against budget, schedule, scope and benefits, appears feasible but significant issues already exist, requiring management attention. These appear resolvable at this stage and, if addressed promptly, should not present a cost/schedule overrun or loss/ delay of benefits.
Medium-Low Successful delivery of the investment requires urgent action to address major risks or issues in a number of key areas. Changes to budget, schedule, scope or benefits may be necessary if the investment is to be delivered successfully.
Low Successful delivery of the investment requires changes to budget, schedule, scope or benefits. There are major issues with investment definition, schedule, budget, quality and/or benefits delivery, which do not appear to be manageable or resolvable without such changes being made.
Not reported Delivery confidence was not reported by the lead agency. 
BlankWhere a delivery confidence field is blank, this means a project was not required to report for the purposes of the February 2024 report e.g. because the project had not commenced.


Key for project tiers

Tier 1 Tier 1 investments represent the Australian Government’s most complex and strategically significant digital or ICT investments, responsible for transforming the experience of people and business and realising the APS Enterprise view by improving the efficiency and effectiveness of government operations.
Tier 2 Tier 2 investments are usually complex and strategically significant digital or ICT investments but may not have the same whole-of- government emphasis or the same criticality to the digital agenda as Tier 1 investments or, if they do, they are of lower estimated total cost.
Tier 3 Tier 3 investments are significant digital or ICT investments. They are likely focused on meeting the needs of one agency or, sometimes, a small group of agencies. They generally represent lower risk. 


Overview by portfolio

  • Agriculture, fisheries and forestry
    • Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
  • Attorney-General's
    • Administrative Review Tribunal
    • Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission
    • Australian Federal Police
    • Attorney-General’s Department
    • Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC)
    • Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions
    • National Anti-Corruption Commission
  • Climate change, energy, the environment and water
    • Australian Energy Regulator
    • Bureau of Meteorology
    • Clean Energy Regulator
    • Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
    • Inspector-General of Water Compliance
    • Murray-Darling Basin Authority
  • Education
    • Department of Education
  • Employment and workplace relations
    • Australian Skills Quality Authority
    • Department of Employment and Workplace Relations
  • Finance
    • Australian Electoral Commission
    • Department of Finance
    • Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade)
  • Foreign affairs and trade
    • Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • Health and aged care
    • Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission
    • Australian Digital Health Agency
    • Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency
    • Department of Health and Aged Care
    • Inspector-General of Aged Care
  • Home affairs
    • Department of Home Affairs
    • National Emergency Management Agency
  • Industry, science and resources
    • Geoscience Australia
    • Department of Industry, Science and Resources
    • Questacon
  • Infrastructure, transport, regional development, communications and the arts
    • Australian Communications and Media Authority
    • Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts
    • National Archives of Australia
  • Prime Minister and Cabinet
    • Australian Public Service Commission
    • Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
  • Social services
    • Department of Social Services
    • National Disability Insurance Agency
    • NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
    • Services Australia
  • Treasury
    • Australian Bureau of Statistics
    • Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
    • Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
    • Australian Securities and Investments Commission
    • Australian Taxation Office
    • Department of the Treasury
  • Veteran's affairs (part of the Defence portfolio)
    • Department of Veterans’ Affairs

Agriculture, fisheries and forestry

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