• Figure 6 image description

    Figure 6: Whole of government GovERP capability model

    A complex diagram showing whole-of-government ERP capability. There are four main areas: service, functional, governance and enabling. These categories are then split into subcategories, which have a number of capabilities. These capabilities are then identified as either

    1. MVP capability (decision 12), which has been shortened to ‘MVP capability’
    2.  Deprioritised through decisions during Program delivery, which has been shortened to ‘Deprioritised’, or
    3. Target capability (decision 12) out of scope for MVP, which has been shortened to ‘Target capability’

    The contents of the diagram follow as a list. Each of the four main areas is divided into its subcategories, which then list the individual capabilities and their current status.


    User interaction
    • Self Service – deprioritised
    • Service Desk – MVP capability
    • Accessibility Technology – MVP capability
    • Portal – deprioritised
    • Mobile – deprioritised
    Service hub
    • Charge Back & Billing Management – MVP capability
    • Onboarding / Off-boarding – deprioritised
    • Relationship Management – MVP capability
    • Hub service management – deprioritised
    • Change management – MVP capability
    IT service management
    • Request Management – MVP capability
    • Incident / Problem Management – MVP capability
    • Service Level Management – MVP capability
    • Change & Release Management – MVP capability
    • Configuration Management – MVP capability
    • End User Support – deprioritised


    Human Resources
    • Manager Self-Service – MVP capability
    • Employee Self-Service – MVP capability
    • Concurrent Employment – Target capability
    • Global Employment – Target capability
    • HR Case Management – Target capability
    • Leave and Absence Management – MVP capability
    • Organisational Management – MVP capability
    • Employee Management – MVP capability
    • Payroll Services – MVP capability
    • Work, Health and Safety – Target capability
    • Time Sheet Recording & Management – Deprioritised
    • Workforce Relations – Target capability
    • On-boarding – MVP capability
    • Learning Management – MVP capability
    • Compensation Management – Target capability
    • Off-boarding – MVP capability – MVP capability
    • Work Time & Attendance – MVP capability
    • Recruitment – MVP capability
    • Performance & Goals – MVP capability
    • Succession & Career Development – Target capability
    • Workforce Planning – Target capability
    • Schedule Rostering – Target capability
    • Accounts Receivable – MVP capability
    • Banking and Cash Management – MVP capability
    • Accounts Payable – MVP capability
    • Cost Management – MVP capability
    • Sales management – Target capability
    • General Ledger – MVP capability
    • Budgeting & Planning – MVP capability
    • Funds Management – MVP capability
    • Lease accounting – deprioritised
    • Project accounting – MVP capability
    • Tax management – MVP capability
    • Inventory management – Target capability
    • Commonwealth reporting – MVP capability
    • Asset accounting – MVP capability
    • Management reporting – MVP capability
    • Statutory reporting - MVP capability
    • Expense Management – MVP capability
    • Auditing and Compliance – MVP capability
    • Credit Card Management – MVP capability
    • Travel Management – MVP capability
    • Purchasing – MVP capability
    • Sourcing – MVP capability
    • Contractor Management – MVP capability
    • Inventory Management – Target capability
    • Sourcing – Target capability
    • Supplier Management – Target capability
    • Asset management – Target capability
    • eProcurement – deprioritised
    • Contract management – MVP capability
    • Receipting – deprioritised
    • Services procurement – deprioritised
    • Whole-of-government central purchasing – deprioritised
    Governance, Risk and Compliance
    • Audit Management – deprioritised
    • Enterprise Risk Management – deprioritised
    • Controls & Compliance Management – deprioritised
    • Information Governance – deprioritised
    • Enterprise Architecture – MVP capability
    • Fraud Management – MVP capability
    • Policy Lifecycle Management – MVP capability
    • Data Privacy Governance – MVP capability
    • Security Risk Management – MVP capability
    • Consultation – deprioritised


    Reporting, Analytics and Data
    • Statutory Reporting – MVP capability
    • Operational Reporting – MVP capability
    • Enterprise Data Warehouse – Target capability
    • Data Visualisation – MVP capability
    • Master Data Management – MVP capability
    • Document Management – MVP capability
    • Self Service Analytics – MVP capability
    • Data Migration – MVP capability
    • Legacy Data Management – MVP capability
    • Records & Archival Management – Target capability
    • User Identity and Access Management – MVP capability
    • Authentication – MVP capability
    • Access monitoring – MVP capability
    • Security Audit & Compliance – MVP capability
    • Data Security – MVP capability
    • Data Protection – MVP capability
    • Cyber Security Operations Centre (SOC) – MVP capability
    • Security Incident & Event Management – MVP capability
    Application, Platform and Infrastructure
    • Application Lifecycle Management – MVP capability
    • Integration Management – MVP capability
    • IT Infrastructure Management – MVP capability
    • Logging – MVP capability
    • Accessibility – MVP capability
    • Process Management – MVP capability
    • Extensibility – MVP capability
    • Print and Interactive Forms – deprioritised
    • Monitoring – MVP capability
    • Database Management Systems – MVP capability
    • Developer Support – MVP capability
    • Portals – MVP capability
    • Secure Access Gateway – MVP capability
    • Disaster Recovery – MVP capability
    • Backup and Redundancy – MVP capability
    • Mobility Support – MVP capability
    • Testing Services – MVP capability
    • Notification Services – MVP capability
    • Enterprise Automation – MVP capability
    • Data driven Insights – MVP capability
  • 3.2.2 Value streams

    To support the future one-APS vision, it was important to consolidate and standardise disparate corporate processes within the Australian government. The GovERP value streams comprise:

    1. Hire to Retire (H2R): This value stream manages the entire human resource lifecycle within the APS. It encompasses recruitment, onboarding, mobility, pay, performance management, workforce management, and separations.
    2. Budget to Report (B2R): This value stream covers the financial management lifecycle of an agency, from external budgeting to the release of financial statements. It includes external budgeting, internal budgeting, sub ledger aggregation, consolidation, adjustment, closure, and reporting.
    3. Revenue to Bank (R2B): This value stream oversees the revenue lifecycle of an agency, from revenue generation to Banking and Treasury functions. It includes proposing funding and charging arrangements, formalising agreements, delivering services, invoicing, banking, managing outstanding items, and reporting.
    4. Procure to Pay (P2P): This value stream manages the purchasing and contract lifecycle for acquiring goods and services to support an entity’s business. It includes sourcing, requisition, order processing, payments, and reporting.
    5. Travel and Expense (TEMS): This value stream handles the lifecycle of reporting issues or lodging requests, from triage to resolution or fulfilment. It also includes supporting materials such as knowledge base articles or help cards to assist users in resolving their own issues.
    6. Enquire to Resolve (E2R): This value stream manages the support lifecycle of reporting issues or lodging requests, from triage to resolution or fulfilment. It’s important to note that this value stream falls outside the scope of this report.
    7. Prepare to Adopt (P2A): This value stream manages the lifecycle of change management that guides individuals, groups, and organisations through transitions. While its primary focus lies in facilitating entities’ onboarding into GovERP, it also serves ongoing functions. During onboarding, this value stream supports seven project phases, ensuring readiness to transition, initial engagement and discovery, preparation and planning, design, documentation, building, training, and testing, monitoring and stabilising, and continuous improvement. In its ongoing capacity, P2A aids in assessing planned change, consulting stakeholders, preparing communication/training materials, implementing change, and managing change (see Reference 9). It’s important to note that this value stream falls outside the scope of this report.

    Service and functional capabilities within the business capability model have been mapped to value streams in Figure 7 below. These highlighted capabilities represent most of the functionality for each value stream, although not necessarily all capabilities involved.

    This figure describes the mapping of GovERP by each value stream. A full description is available in the 'Figure 7 image description' section below.
    Figure 7: Value stream mapping
  • Figure 7 image description

    Figure 7: Value stream mapping

    The graphic shows capabilities, grouped by type business area, and which value stream they are in. The following list is ordered by type, then business area, then capability type.

    IT service management
    • Enquire to resolve (E2R)
      • Request management
      • Change and release management
      • Incident/problem management
      • Configuration management
      • Service level management
      • End user support
    • Prepare to adopt (P2A)
      • End user support
    Service Hub
    • Enquire to resolve (E2R)
      • Charge back and billing management
      • Hub service management
      • relationship management
    • Prepare to adopt (P2A)
      • onboarding/offboarding
      • change management
    Human resources
    • Hire to retire (H2R)
      • manager self-service
      • employee self-service
      • concurrent employment
      • leave and absence management
      • organisational management
      • employee management
      • payroll services
      • time sheet recording and management
      • on-boarding
      • off-boarding
      • work time and attendance
      • HR case management
      • work, health and safety
      • workforce relations
      • learning management
      • compensation management
      • recruitment
      • performance and goals
      • succession and career development
      • workforce planning
      • schedule rostering
    • Revenue to Bank (R2B)
      • accounts receivable
      • banking and cash management
      • sales management
    • Procure to Pay (P2P)
      • accounts payable
    • Budget to Report (B2R)
      • cost management
      • general ledger
      • budgeting and planning
      • funds management
      • lease accounting
      • project accounting
      • tax management
      • inventory management
      • Commonwealth reporting
      • asset accounting
      • management reporting
      • statutory reporting
    • Travel and expense management (TEMS)
      • expense management
      • auditing and compliance
      • credit card management
    • Travel and expense management (TEMS)
      • Travel management 
    • Procure to Pay (P2P)
      • purchasing
      • report procurement activities
      • inventory management
      • supplier management
      • asset management
      • receipting
      • services procurement
      • whole of government central purchasing
      • contractor management
      • sourcing
      • e-procurement
      • contract management
  • Entities are expected to access services through value streams, which delineate the scope of offerings. While five value streams support functional capabilities, two of them (Prepare to Adopt and Enquire to Resolve; see Reference 10) are pivotal for the service management and the on-boarding of client entities and Provider hubs.

    Value streams transcend capabilities and functions, and entities within shared services, integrating these elements to deliver value to stakeholders. 

    Rather than representing discrete services, value streams embody overarching lifecycles in which all entities participate to achieve business outcomes. 

    Each value stream encompasses a series of customer journeys and associated processes.
    The MVP was designed as a foundational template encompassing essential solutions necessary for supporting critical government functions. These solutions included robust capabilities in human resources, finance, procurement, and travel and expense management, forming the core framework of the ERP system designed to meet specific APS requirements. 

    Additionally, it embraced additional edge functionalities like recruitment, onboarding, learning management, success planning, and performance measurement, enhancing the versatility and utility of the ERP solution.

    Core and edge capabilities were categorised as:

    • core capabilities: These are fundamental building blocks required to deliver a basic ERP solution.
    • edge capabilities: All other capabilities beyond core functionalities.
    The figure describes where core or edge products exist within each value stream. A full description of the image is available in the Figure 8 image description section below.
    Figure 8: Core and edge capabilities
  • The Core implementation was standardised; however, entities had flexibility to choose Edge products according to their specific needs. A panel of products and partners was established, offering a range of options for Edge products.

    GovERP adopted an incremental delivery approach for both core and edge capabilities, aligning with a whole of government solution template.

    3.3 Technical architecture

    GovERP’s core offerings comprised SAP S/4HANA and SAP SuccessFactors, with various other capabilities operating as ‘Edge’ systems extending the core. Provider Hubs used this template to create an instance of the GovERP system to support their client entities.

    External and internal traffic was expected to pass through an outsourced Secure Internet Gateway (SIG), with all GovERP SaaS applications hosted on secure clouds in Australian data centres. Note, a vendor was procured for the SIG, but the contract was not executed given the pause of the GovERP Program.


    1. GovERP End to End Solution Architecture v2.0
    2. Entities represented on the SSSC included: Department of Finance; Australian Taxation Office; Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade; Digital Transformation Agency; Bureau of Meteorology; Services Australia; Department of Health; Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment; Department of Education, Skills and Employment; Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources; Australian Financial Security Authority; Department of Social Services; and the Department of Home Affairs
    3. Per Decision 22 of the Decision Framework Briefing_Outcomes of SSSC, page 145
    4. Per Decision 7 of the Decision Framework Briefing_Outcomes of SSSC, page 47 
    5. Per Decision 12 of the Decision Framework Briefing_Outcomes of SSSC, page 91. 
    6. Per Decision 12 of the Decision Framework Briefing_Outcomes of SSSC, page 91. 
    7. Extended capabilities represented functions that are used and required across many entities, but not necessarily all.
    8. During delivery of GovERP, within the Human Resources business area, “Work Time and Attendance” and “Time Sheet Recording and Management” were combined into a single set of processes within SAP Signavio. From there, a single capability, “Work and Time Attendance” was reported on at a capability level.
    9. Note, the above does not include vendors or solutions for Secure Internet Gateway or Centralised Identity Provider, as procurement activities were not finalised.
    10. These two value streams (Prepare to Adopt and Enquire to Resolve) are out of scope of this assessment
  • Figure 8 image description

    Figure 8: Core and edge capabilities

    The graphic shows core and edge capabilities, grouped by business area, and whether they are core capabilities or edge capabilities. The following list is ordered by business area, then whether capabilities are core or edge capabilities.

    Human resources
    • Core capabilities
      • manager self-service
      • employee self-service
      • concurrent employment
      • global employment
      • leave and absence management
      • organisational management
      • employee management
      • payroll services
      • time sheet recording and management
      • on-boarding
      • off-boarding
      • work time and attendance
    • Edge capabilities
      • HR case management
      • work, health and safety
      • workforce relations
      • learning management
      • compensation management
      • recruitment
      • performance and goals
      • succession and career development
      • workforce planning
      • schedule rostering
    Finance – all core capabilities
    • accounts receivable
    • banking and cash management
    • accounts payable
    • cost management
    • sales management
    • general ledger
    • budgeting and planning
    • funds management
    • lease accounting
    • project accounting
    • tax management
    • inventory management
    • Commonwealth reporting
    • asset accounting
    • management reporting
    • statutory reporting
    Expense – all edge capabilities
    • expense management
    • auditing and compliance
    • credit card management
    • Travel management (edge capability)
    • Core capabilities
      • purchasing
      • report procurement activities
      • inventory management
      • supplier management
      • asset management
      • receipting
      • services procurement
      • whole of government central purchasing
    • Edge capabilities
      • contractor management
      • sourcing
      • e-procurement
      • contract management
  • Figure 9 image description

    Figure 9: Value stream build completeness

    The table above contains the following information:

    1. Hire to retire
    Developed and functionally tested

    •    Learning management
    •    Leave and absence management
    •    Organisational management
    •    Performance and goals management
    •    Recruitment
    •    On-boarding
    •    Off-boarding
    •    Work time and attendance
    •    Time sheet recording and management

    Developed, but functional testing not yet passed

    •    Manager self-service
    •    Employ self-service
    •    Payroll services

    2. Budget to report
    Developed and functionally tested

    •    Asset accounting
    •    Cost management
    •    Funds management
    •    General ledger
    •    Project accounting
    •    Tax management
    •    Statutory reporting
    •    Management reporting

    Developed, but functional testing not yet passed

    •    Budgeting and planning

    3. Revenue to bank
    Developed, but functional testing not yet passed

    •    Accounts receivable
    •    Banking and cash management

    4. Procure to pay
    Developed and functionally tested

    •    Services procurement

    Developed, but functional testing not yet passed

    •    Purchasing
    •    Receipting
    •    Contractor management
    •    Contract management

    4a. Target capability built in procure to pay
    Developed and functionally tested

    •    Supplier management

    Developed, but functional testing not yet passed
    • Sourcing
    5. Travel & expense
    Developed, but functional testing not yet passed

    •    Expense management
    •    Auditing and compliance

  • Note, no System Integration Testing (SIT) or User Acceptance Testing (UAT) occurred as part of GovERP.

    The table below summarises the current capability status within the value streams.

    Table 4: Current capability status within the functional layer
    Value stream 

    Full GovERP Solution coverage

    MVP1.1 solution coverage





    Hire to Retire (H2R)





    Finance, including Revenue to Bank (R2B) and Budget to Report (B2R)





    Procure-to-pay (P2P)



    1 (see Table note 1)


    Travel and expense management (TEMS)



    0 (see Table note 2)







    Table note 1: “Supplier Management” was not in scope of MVP1.1. However, Services Australia built and functionally tested this capability.

    Table note 2: The vendor, 8common, advised all build elements were completed and tested, however, these were not integrated by Services Australia as part of the GovERP solution. 

    In respect of the above value streams, a total of 167 WRICEFs were identified as part of this assessment, of which 13 relate to AGD.

    4.2 Functions and capability

    Further to the Value Stream view provided in Section 4.1, below is the current build completeness of each capability within GovERP. 

    The status provided aligns with the information communicated by Services Australia (see Reference 1). Appendix C provides details on the intended contents of each component box. 

    Engagement with stakeholders identified the need for enhancements to meet the specific requirements of other entities. Anecdotally, this was always expected within the GovERP intended operating model, prior to project’s pause. For example, additional changes to MVP1.1 with AGD enhancements were identified to address the needs and scenarios of AGD, particularly in areas such as recruitment, learning management, finance and procurement.

    Further insights into the build status of each of the Value Streams is discussed in the subsequent sections.

    This figure describes the completeness of each capability by service, functionality, governance and enabling service. For a complete description, see the 'Figure 10 image description' section below.
    Figure 10: Build completeness of GovERP capabilities
  • Figure 10 image description

    Figure 10: Build completeness of GovERP capabilities

    A complex diagram showing Services Australia-developed MVP1.1 functional capabilities. There are four main areas: service, functional, governance and enabling. These categories are then split into subcategories, which have a number of capabilities. These capabilities are then identified as either

    1. Developed and functionally tested, which has been shortened to ‘developed’
    2. Developed, but functional testing not yet, which has been shortened to ‘not tested’
    3. Not developed/partially developed, which has been shortened to ‘not complete’

    The contents of the diagram follow as a list. Each of the four main areas is divided into its subcategories, which then list the individual capabilities and their current status.

    The diagram also shows two capabilities as ‘Target capability’ built. These are supplier management and sourcing in procurement under ‘Functional’ capabilities.



    User interaction

    • Self Service – not complete
    • Service Desk – not complete
    • Accessibility Technology – not complete
    • Portal – not complete
    • Mobile – not complete 

    Service hub

    • Charge Back & Billing Management – not complete
    • Onboarding / Off-boarding – not complete
    • Relationship Management – not complete
    • Hub service management – not complete
    • Change management – not complete

    IT service management

    • Request Management – not complete
    • Incident / Problem Management – developed
    • Service Level Management – developed
    • Change & Release Management – not complete
    • Configuration Management – developed
    • End User Support – not complete



    Human Resources

    • Manager Self-Service – not tested
    • Employee Self-Service – not tested
    • Leave and Absence Management – developed
    • Time Sheet Recording & Management – developed
    • Organisational Management – developed
    • Employee Management – not complete
    • Payroll Services – not tested
    • On-boarding – developed
    • Off-boarding – developed
    • Learning Management – developed
    • Recruitment – developed
    • Performance & Goals – developed
    • Work Time & Attendance – developed


    • Accounts Receivable – not tested
    • Banking and Cash Management – not tested
    • Accounts Payable – not complete
    • Cost Management – developed
    • Lease accounting – not complete
    • General Ledger – developed
    • Budgeting & Planning – not tested
    • Funds Management – developed
    • Asset accounting – developed
    • Project accounting – developed
    • Tax management – developed
    • Commonwealth reporting – not complete
    • Statutory reporting – developed
    • Management reporting – developed


    • Expense Management – not tested
    • Auditing and Compliance – not tested
    • Credit Card Management – not complete


    • Travel Management – not complete


    • Purchasing – not tested
    • Report Procurement activities – not complete
    • Contractor management – not tested
    • eProcurement – not complete
    • Contract Management – not tested
    • Supplier Management – developed
    • Whole-of-government central purchasing – not complete
    • Receipting – not tested
    • Services procurement – developed
    • Sourcing – not tested


    Governance, Risk and Compliance

    • Audit Management – not complete
    • Enterprise Risk Management – not complete
    • Controls & Compliance Management – not complete
    • Information Governance – not complete
    • Enterprise Architecture – not complete
    • Fraud Management – not complete
    • Policy Lifecycle Management – not complete
    • Data Privacy Governance – not complete 
    • Security Risk Management – not complete
    • Consultation – not complete



    Reporting, Analytics and Data

    • Statutory Reporting – not complete 
    • Master Data Management – not complete
    • Legacy Data Management – not complete
    • Operational Reporting –– not complete
    • Document Management – not tested
    • Self Service Analytics – not complete
    • Data Visualisation – not complete
    • Data Migration – not tested


    • User Identity and Access Management – not complete
    • Authentication – not complete
    • Access monitoring – not complete
    • Security Audit & Compliance – not complete
    • Data Security – not complete
    • Data Protection – not complete
    • Cyber Security Operations Centre (SOC) – not complete
    • Security Incident & Event Management – not complete

    Application, Platform and Infrastructure

    • Application Lifecycle Management – not complete
    • Integration Management – not complete
    • IT Infrastructure Management – not complete
    • Logging – not complete
    • Accessibility – not complete
    • Process Management – not complete
    • Extensibility – not complete
    • Print and Interactive Forms – not complete 
    • Monitoring – not complete
    • Database Management Systems – not complete
    • Developer Support – not complete
    • Portals – not complete
    • Secure Access Gateway – not complete
    • Disaster Recovery – not complete
    • Backup and Redundancy – not complete
    • Mobility Support – not complete
    • Testing Services – not complete
    • Notification Services – not complete


    • Enterprise Automation – not complete
    • Data driven Insights – not complete


  • 4.3 Hire to Retire (H2R)

    Human Capital Management (HCM) refers to the software and systems designed to manage and optimise the Human Resources (HR) business area of an organisation within the broader framework of an ERP system. 

    Within GovERP, the HCM functionality is encapsulated within the Hire to Retire (H2R) value stream, implemented through SAP’s SuccessFactors technology.

    The H2R value stream manages and supports the course of an individual’s career within the APS, including recruitment, onboarding, mobility, pay, performance management, development, workforce management, retentions, and separation activities. 

    The H2R platform, SuccessFactors, is hosted on the SAP Sovereign Cloud as a SaaS (see Reference 2). The current state solution is available in a development tenant and all template features are enabled (see Reference 3).

    4.3.1 Build status across value streams, functions, and components

    A total of 124 business processes, across 22 capabilities were presented to the Business Process Management Council (BPMC) and subsequently endorsed (see Reference 4).

    Figure 11 describes the hire to retire capability-built vs not built from the full scope of GovERP. 59 per cent is not built, 41 per cent is.  Figure 12 above describes the hire to retire capability-built vs not built from the minimum viable product 1.1. 31 per cent is not built, 69 per cent is.
    Figure 11: H2R capability coverage against Full GovERP 
    Figure 12: H2R capability coverage against MVP1.1

    Table 5 outlines the status of H2R capabilities, detailing completion, associated technologies, and any notable exceptions.

    Table 5: Build status of H2R capabilities (see Reference 5)
    CapabilitiesScopeBuild Complete? (see Reference 6)Business ProcessTechnology componentExceptions
    Learning ManagementMVP1.1Yes12SuccessFactors Learning Management 
    Leave And Absence ManagementMVP1.1Yes5SuccessFactors Employee Central Time off – Leave management 
    Organisational ManagementMVP1.1Yes5SuccessFactors Employee Central – Core HR  
    Performance and Goals Management MVP1.1Yes4SuccessFactors Performance and Goals  
    RecruitmentMVP1.1Yes9SuccessFactors Recruitment and Onboarding 2.0  
    On-boardingMVP1.1Yes7SuccessFactors Recruitment and Onboarding 2.0 
    Off-boardingMVP1.1Yes5SuccessFactors Recruitment and Onboarding 2.0  
    Work Time and AttendanceMVP1.1Yes3SuccessFactors Employee Central – Time Tracking – Time and attendance 
    Time Sheet Recording and ManagementMVP1.1Yes2SuccessFactors  
    Manager Self ServiceMVP1.1No3SuccessFactors

    Build and functional testing considered incomplete given overall build status of H2R.

    Note, “Built, but functional testing not yet passed” (i.e. “No” for Completeness result) included as the rating for this capability to reflect the build status of many dependent capabilities.

    Employee Self ServiceMVP1.1No2SuccessFactors

    Build and functional testing considered incomplete given overall build status of H2R.

    Note, “Built, but functional testing not yet passed” (i.e. “No” for Completeness result) included as the rating for this capability to reflect the build status of many dependent capabilities.

    Payroll ServicesMVP1.1No15SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll 

    Defect in the Manage Salary Recall process, requiring a manual step to recall the bank file. 

    This issue, alongside remaining test scenarios, is affected by open defects from RBA testing.

    Employee ManagementMVP1.1No8

    SuccessFactors Employee Central – Core HR

    SuccessFactors Integration Centre 

    SAP Analytics Cloud with IAS

    SAP Cloud Platform Integration

    Build and functional testing not completed for Manage APSED 


    Compensation ManagementNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNo7SuccessFactors  
    Concurrent EmploymentNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNo1SuccessFactors Services Australia advised this was built, however, could not provide evidence of this functionality
    Global EmploymentNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNo3SuccessFactors  
    HR Case ManagementNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNo2SuccessFactors  
    Schedule RosteringNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNo2SuccessFactors  
    Succession and Career DevelopmentNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNo5SuccessFactors  
    Work Health and SafetyNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNo11SuccessFactors  
    Workforce RelationsNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNo5SuccessFactors  
    Workforce PlanningNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNo7SuccessFactors  


    4.3.2 H2R WRICEF summary (see Reference 7)

    Changes from the ‘out-of-the-box’ product within GovERP services are quantified using WRICEF components (workflows, reports, interfaces, conversions, enhancements, and forms). Table 6 below provides a summary of these WRICEF’s in H2R for MVP1.1.

    Table 6: H2R WRICEF summary (see Reference 8)
    CapabilityWorkflowsReportInterfaces+ IntegrationConversionEnhancementFormTotal
    Payroll Services 







    Employee Management 





    Leave Management  






    Organisational Management  




    Time & 














    A further three interfaces were planned for MVP1.1 with AGD enhancements (two for Employee Management and one for Organisational Management).

    Regarding the build status of the above WRICEF’s, all have been built for MVP1.1. (see Reference 9)

    The complexity of managing the MVP1.1 WRICEFs on an ongoing basis is summarised below. Appendix D details a breakdown of each WRICEF and the indicative effort required for maintenance.

    Figure 13 H2R WRICEF maintenance effort estimates
    Figure 13: H2R WRICEF maintenance effort estimates

    The ongoing impact of maintaining these WRICEF’s will depend on the updates and releases by SAP. SuccessFactors follows a semi-annual (6-monthly) release cadence.

    The H2R value stream maintains close integration with SAP S/4HANA Finance for Financial processes and Travel and Expense Management systems for employee expenses. When considering the reuse of H2R capabilities, it is crucial to assess the integration landscape and dependencies between the H2R value stream and these other systems.

    Discussions with SAP revealed the existing SAP build is intricately integrated across various products. While this facilitates data flow and operational continuity, it needs close consideration when entities are determining reuse deployment options. 

    Effort will be necessary to disentangle SAP SuccessFactors and SAP S/4HANA, to enable progressive deployment of the technologies or a different combination of technologies, such as deploying on the SAP Sovereign Cloud.

    In addition, nine ServiceNow integrations were established with SuccessFactors (see Reference 10):

    1. Business Unit
    2. Company
    3. Department
    4. Division
    5. Employee
    6. Location
    7. Section
    8. Team Unit
    9. Cost Centre.

    These could be repurposed to other IT Service Management tools to enable integration into other entities technology landscapes.

    4.3.3 Key H2R insights

    The key insights for H2R are summarised in Table 7 below:

    Table 7: Key H2R insights
    H2R insights
    H2R1 For an agency that has a large IT support team, ongoing management and upgrade of this solution would be achievable. For smaller entities, closer consideration would need to be given to maintenance implications
    H2R2 The whole of government GovERP template has not been updated for the new whole of government common conditions.   
    H2R3 A number of the WRCIEF enhancements that were implemented were required to make the system suitable for public sector use
    H2R4 While the solution offers comprehensive HR management capabilities, and a lot of reporting capability out-ofthe-box, in-depth analytics and reporting is not fully provisioned. 
    H2R5 To enable shared services, data separation on the same tenant would need to be built and tested
    H2R6 For ongoing use, application regression testing, and any resolution of defects, or resolution of custom or enhanced codes, will be the responsibility of the customer to manage, not the vendor. There will be at least two application upgrades a year.
    H2R7 There are 18 H2R WRICEF’s, most of which will require effort to maintain.
    H2R8 Advice has been provided from Services Australia, that ‘Manage APSED Report’ is the only sub-component within Employee Management outstanding in the build. Similarly, within Payroll Services, only ‘Manage Salary Recall’ has not passed functional testing. 
    H2R9 The existence of WRICEF components highlights the importance of considering the maintenance overhead associated with these customisations when assessing the reusability of H2R capabilities in GovERP.
    H2R10 If entities only want to use specific capabilities, or any part of the solution stack, then an appropriate commercial construct would likely be required at a whole of government level.
    H2R11 MVP1.1 with AGD enhancements already sits on top of MVP1.1. The solution is now ageing. Further delays of how to use this platform will put the re-use agenda further out of reach for ERP.
    H2R12 A whole of government standard could be set on how vendors need to operate with the APS in order to deliver on ERP services. This would greatly increase the chance of interoperability and re-use in the eco-system.


    4.3.4 Re-use considerations for H2R

    In accordance with the re-use hierarchy (see Reference 11), each capability within H2R has been assessed for its potential for re-use. Below is a summary of this assessment.

    From a Tier 3 intellectual property re-use perspective, almost all information could be considered by another agency.

    Figure 14 above describes the hire to retire value stream’s reusability from the full scope of GovERP. Tier 1 viable is  32 per cent. Tier 2 (once completed) viable is 18 per cent. Tier 2 viable is 9 per cent. Not reuseable is 41 per cent Figure 15 above describes the hire to retire value stream reusability from the minimum viable product 1.1. Tier 1 viable is  54 per cent. Tier 2 (once completed) viable is 31 per cent. Tier 2 viable is 15 per cent.
    Figure 14: H2R re-useability – Full GovERP 
    Figure 15: H2R re-useability – MVP1.1

    Table 8 details each capability, and the potential for re-use, along with the implications of doing so. Refer to section 5.2 for the adoption considerations for any other agency, which outlines the effort and other considerations involved.

    Table 8: H2R re-useability



    Re-Use Potential


    Learning ManagementSuccessFactors Viable – Tier 1Commercial implications / changes required
    OffboardingSuccessFactors Viable – Tier 1Commercial implications / changes required
    Performance And Goals ManagementSuccessFactors Viable – Tier 1Commercial implications / changes required
    RecruitmentSuccessFactors Viable – Tier 1Commercial implications / changes required
    OnboardingSuccessFactors Viable – Tier 1Commercial implications / changes required
    Work And Time AttendanceSuccessFactors Viable – Tier 1Commercial implications / changes required
    Time Sheet Recording and ManagementSuccessFactors Viable – Tier 1Commercial implications / changes required
    Leave And Absence ManagementSuccessFactors Viable – Tier 2 Maintenance Implications
    Organisational ManagementSuccessFactors Viable – Tier 2 Maintenance Implications
    Employee ManagementSuccessFactorsViable – Tier 2 – If completedMaintenance Implications
    Payroll ServicesSuccessFactors Viable – Tier 2 – If completedMaintenance Implications
    Employee Self ServiceSuccessFactorsViable – Tier 2 – If completedMaintenance Implications
    Manager Self ServiceSuccessFactors Viable – Tier 2 – If completedMaintenance Implications
    Compensation ManagementTBD – Not progressedNot ViableNot Built
    Concurrent EmploymentTBD – Not progressedNot ViableNot Built
    Global EmploymentTBD – Not progressedNot ViableNot Built
    HR Case ManagementTBD – Not progressedNot ViableNot Built
    Schedule RosteringTBD – Not progressedNot ViableNot Built
    Succession and Career DevelopmentTBD – Not progressedNot ViableNot Built
    Work Health and SafetyTBD – Not progressedNot ViableNot Built
    Workforce PlanningTBD – Not progressedNot ViableNot Built
    Workforce RelationsTBD – Not progressedNot ViableNot Built

    Whilst the table above indicates differing levels of capability reuse potential, note that Section 5 considers the pragmatic means through which an entity could consider deploying these capabilities.

    4.4 Finance – Budget to Report (B2R) and Revenue to Bank (R2B)

    Finance includes two value streams which are:

    • Budget to Report (B2R): Includes the activities undertaken to planning and budgeting, cost and funds management, asset management and organisational activity reporting.
    • Revenue to Bank (R2B): Includes the activities undertaken to receipt and bank cash, including accounts receivable, banking and cash management.

    These value streams are enabled through the Financial Management Information System (FMIS). The FMIS encompasses the software and systems aimed at managing and optimising the Finance business area within an organisations ERP framework. In GovERP, the FMIS functionality is implemented through the on-prem version of SAP’s S/4HANA technology, hosted on Services Australia’s private Microsoft Azure cloud tenancy (see Reference 12).

    4.4.1 Build status across value streams, functions, and components

    A total of 166 (see Reference 13) Finance business processes across 16 capabilities were presented to the BPMC, and 103 were endorsed (see Reference 14). The remaining 63 not endorsed processes cover accounts payable, reporting, budgeting and planning, and lease accounting. To continue to progress the build of GovERP, Services Australia commenced the build of all Finance processes, including those not yet endorsed.

    The build completion across Finance for MVP1.1 is depicted in the figure below.

    Figure 16 describes the finance to retire value stream-built vs not built from the full scope of GovERP. 47 per cent is not built, 53 per cent is built. Figure 17 describes the hire to retire value stream-built vs not built from the minimum viable product 1.1.
    Figure 16: Finance completion – Full GovERP 
    Figure 17: Finance completion – MVP1.1

    Further granularity is provided below for the respective value streams within Finance.

    4.4.2 Budget to Report (B2R)

    The build completion for the B2R value stream across the GovERP MVP and the full GovERP is depicted in the figures below.

    Figure 18 describes the budget to report value stream built vs not built from the full scope of GovERP. 33 per cent is not built, 67 per cent is built. Figure 19 describes the budget to report value stream built vs not built from the minimum viable product.  27 per cent is not built 73 per cent is built.
    Figure 18: B2R completion –Full GovERP 
    Figure 19: B2R completion – MVP1.1

    The table below provides a detailed view of the build and testing status of respective capabilities.

    Table 9: Build status of B2R capabilities (see Reference 15)
    CapabilitiesScopeBuild Complete? (see Reference 16)Business processesTechnology componentExceptions
    Asset AccountingMVP1.1Yes6

    SAP S/4HANA Asset Accounting

    RE-FX-LA CLM (Contract and Lease Management)

    Cost ManagementMVP1.1Yes6

    SAP S/4HANA Cost Management (Overhead Accounting) 

    SAP S/4HANA Master Data Governance Central 

    SAP S/4HANA Master Data Governance Embedded 

    SAP Cloud Platform Integration

    Funds ManagementMVP1.1Yes3

    SAP S/4HANA Funds Management 

    SAP Public Sector Management 

    PSM_FM_CI_4 - PSM, Funds Management 4 

    PSM_MM_MAA - PSM, MAA Final Acct Assignment 

    RE_FM_EARMARKED_FUND - RE/FM Earmarked Funds

    General LedgerMVP1.1Yes7

    SAP S/4HANA General Ledger 

    SAP S/4HANA Financial Closing Cockpit 

    SAP S/4HANA Master Data Governance Central 

    SAP Cloud Platform Integration

    Project AccountingMVP1.1Yes6

    SAP S/4HANA Project Accounting 

    SAP Analytics Cloud Planning 

    SAP Cloud Platform Integration

    Tax ManagementMVP1.1Yes2SAP S/4HANA Tax Management – Advanced Compliance Reporting (Basic Version) 
    Statutory Reporting (see Reference 17)MVP1.1Yes1SAP Analytics Cloud Analytics 
    Management Reporting (see Reference 18)MVP1.1Yes1SAP Analytics Cloud Analytics 
    Budgeting and PlanningMVP1.1No6

    SAP Analytics Cloud Planning – Budgeting and Planning 

    SAP Analytics Cloud Analytics

    Manage external budget, as testing for integration with the Commonwealth Budget Management System (CBMS) could not be undertaken
    Commonwealth reportingMVP1.1No1SAP Analytics Cloud AnalyticsBuild not complete
    Lease AccountingMVP1.1No6SAP S/4HANANo build information provided
    Inventory Accounting

    Not in 



    No3SAP S/4HANA 


    4.4.3 B2R WRICEF summary

    Changes from the ‘out-of-the-box’ product within GovERP services are quantified using WRICEF components. The table below provides a summary of these WRICEF’s in B2R for MVP1.1.

    Table 10: B2R WRICEF summary (See Reference 19)
    CapabilityWorkflowsReportInterfaces+ IntegrationConversionEnhancementFormTotal
    Accounts Payable    




    Asset Accounting







    Budget & Planning  




    Cost Management  






    Funds Management






    General Ledger 







    Project Accounting  






    Statutory Reporting 












    A further two enhancements were planned for MVP1.1 with AGD enhancements (one for Accounts Payable and one for Cost Management).

    Regarding the build status of the above WRICEF’s, all have been built for MVP1.1.

    The complexity of managing the MVP1.1 WRICEFs on an ongoing basis are summarised below. Appendix D details a breakdown of each WRICEF and the indicative effort required for maintenance.

    The figure describes the budget to report value stream WRICEF maintenance effort level estimates 13 are medium and 50 are low.
    Figure 20: B2R WRICEF maintenance effort estimates

    Engagement with both Services Australia and the Attorney-General Department highlighted the budgeting module was built using a top-down approach. This introduced complexities and constraints, particularly in its compatibility with the AGD established approach to budgeting. Additionally, a further 18 requirements were requested by AGD in the R2B template.   

    4.4.4 Revenue to Bank (R2B)

    The build completion for R2B across MVP1.1 is depicted in the figure below.

    Figure 21 describes the revenue to bank value stream completion from minimum viable product 1.1. 100 per cent not built. Figure 22 describes the revenue to bank value stream completion from the full scope of GovERP. 100 per cent not built.
    Figure 21: R2B completion – MVP1.1 
    Figure 22: R2B completion – full GovERP

    The table below provides a detailed view of the build and testing status of respective capabilities.

    Table 11: Build status of R2B capabilities (see Reference 20)



    Build Complete? see Reference 21)

    Business processes

    Technology component


    Accounts ReceivableMVP1.1No


    • SAP S/4HANA Accounts Receivable
    • SAP S/4HANA Accounts Receivable – FSCM Collections and Disputes
    • SAP S/4HANA Business Partner
    • SAP S/4HANA Banking and Cash Management
    • SAP Master Data Governance
    • SAP S/4HANA Embedded Master Data Governance

    Functional testing not completed for:

    • Manage ARInvoices
    • Manage Receipts
    • Manage Credit Notes, Chargebacks and Refunds
    Banking and Cash ManagementMVP1.1No


    • SAP S/4HANA Banking and Cash Management including Bank Communication Manager
    • SAP S/4HANA Funds Management
    • SAP S/4HANA Accounts Payable
    • SAP S/4HANA Accounts Receivable
    • FIN_FSCM_CLM SAP S/4HANA Finance for Cash Management is required to be activated.
    Functional testing not completed for Reconcile Bank Accounts
    Sales ManagementNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNo


    SAP S/4HANA 


    4.4.5 R2B WRICEF summary

    Customisations within GovERP's R2B services are quantified using WRICEF components are summarised in the table below for R2B.

    Table 12: R2B WRICEF summary (see Reference 22)




    Interfaces+ Integration

    Accounts Receivable








    Banking & Cash Management 















    No further WRICEF’s were planned for MVP1.1. with AGD enhancements.

    Regarding the build status of the above WRICEF’s, all have been built for MVP1.1 (see Reference 23).

    The complexity of managing the MVP1.1 WRICEF’s on an ongoing basis are summarised below figure. Appendix D details a breakdown of each WRICEF and the indicative effort required for maintenance. 

    The figure describes the revenue to bank value stream WRICEF maintenance effort level estimates 9 are medium and 17 are low
    Figure 23: R2B WRICEF maintenance effort estimates

    The exact and ongoing impact of maintaining these WRICEF’s will depend on the updates and releases by SAP. The release cadence for SAP S/4HANA is every 12 months.

    4.4.6 Key finance insights

    The key insights for Finance are summarised below:

    Table 13: Key Finance insights

    Finance insights

    FIN1 S/4HANA will need to be upgraded from FPS01 (2021) to at least the October 2023 build to reduce ongoing out year maintenance, and to remain on the upgrade path, noting that the underlying technical stack (Advanced Business Application Programming: ABAP) has had a version change between 2021 and 2023.
    FIN2 38% of the processes within Finance were not agreed to by the BPMC and have not been ratified. 
    FIN3 IRAP (Infosec Registered Assessors Programme) assessment of the FMIS relied heavily on security settings in Microsoft Azure. 
    FIN4 There are 89 Finance WRICEF’s (63 in B2R and 26 in R2B), most of which will require effort to maintain.
    FIN5 S/4HANA is the on-prem version, tenanted on the Service Australia private Microsoft Azure cloud. This version could be installed locally by another agency.
    FIN6 Note the number of customisations and enhancements in the solution, it is likely that unless an entity has a large existing SAP workforce, that ongoing maintenance and upgrade of the solution will be difficult. Equally, for a large agency with complex ERP needs, the solution could be used as an accelerator.
    FIN7 Consideration should be given to the integration layer that has been built during the project, it is likely the ability to integrate and pass data between other core systems and GovERP exists, and could be considered for initial data standards / integration standards.


    4.4.7 Re-use considerations for Finance

    In accordance with the re-use hierarchy, each capability within Finance has been assessed for its potential for re-use.  Below is a summary of all the capabilities. Note, the re-useability of Finance (i.e. B2R and R2B) has been considered holistically, given the existence of a common core platform, S/4HANA.  A level of work will be required even for those listed as re-usable.

    From a Tier 3, intellectual property re-use perspective, almost all information could be considered by a potential agency.

    Services Australia has advised the MVP1.1 with AGD enhancements also includes enhancements that could be utilised by a whole of government instance going forward. To revert the AGD specifications but retain the remainder of the MVP1.1 template, Services Australia has estimated 60 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) days. This would result in the MVP1.1 being uplifted with enhancements that came to light during the AGD build, without the AGD specific requirements.

    Figure 24 describes the revenue to bank value stream reusability from the full scope of GovERP. Tier 2 viable is 53 per cent. Not reuseable is 47 per cent. Figure 25 describes the revenue to bank value stream reusability from the minimum viable product 1.1. Tier 2 viable is 62 per cent. Not reuseable is 38 per cent.
    Figure 24: Finance re-useability – Full GovERP 
    Figure 25: Finance re-useability – MVP1.1.

    The table below details each capability and the potential for re-use, along with the high-level implications of doing so. Refer to section 5.2 for the adoption considerations for any agency, to assist in understanding the effort or impact involved.

    Table 14: Finance re-useability


    Technology component

    Re-Use Potential


    Asset AccountingS/4HANATier 2Maintenance Implications
    Budget and PlanningS/4HANANot reuseable 
    Commonwealth reportingS/4HANANot reuseable 
    Cost ManagementS/4HANATier 2Maintenance Implications
    Funds ManagementS/4HANATier 2Maintenance Implications
    General LedgerS/4HANATier 2Maintenance Implications
    Management ReportingS/4HANATier 2Maintenance Implications
    Project AccountingS/4HANATier 2Maintenance Implications
    Statutory ReportingS/4HANATier 2Maintenance Implications
    Tax ManagementS/4HANATier 2Maintenance Implications
    Inventory AccountingS/4HANANot reuseable 
    Lease AccountingS/4HANANot reuseable 
    Accounts ReceivableS/4HANANot reuseable 
    Banking and Cash ManagementS/4HANANot reuseable 
    Sales ManagementS/4HANANot reuseable 

    Whilst the table above indicates differing levels of capability reuse potential, note that Section 5 considers the pragmatic means through which an entity could consider deploying these capabilities.

    4.5 Procure-to-Pay (P2P)

    Procure to Pay (P2P) refers to the software and systems designed to manage and optimise the procurement and vendor management functions of an organisation within the broader framework of an ERP system. 

    The P2P value stream manages and supports the sourcing and purchasing of goods and services, ongoing management of the vendors and inventory, and reporting against the activities. 

    The FMIS S/4HANA platform is the on-prem version of the solution that delivers the P2P value stream hosted on the Microsoft Azure cloud. 

    4.5.1 Build status across value streams, functions, and components

    The build completion for P2P for MVP1.1 is depicted in the figure below.

    There were a total of 36 (see Reference 24) business processes and sub-processes which were presented to the BPMC, and all were endorsed.

    Figure 26 describes the procure to pay value stream built vs not built from the full scope of GovERP. 85 per cent is not built 15 per cent is built. Figure 27 describes the procure to pay value stream built vs not built from the minimum viable product. 89 per cent is not built 11 per cent is built.
    Figure 26: P2P completion – Full GovERP
    Figure 27: P2P completion – MVP1.1

    The table below provides a detailed view of the build and testing status of respective capabilities. Specifically, “Supplier Management” was a capability which was not in scope of MVP1.1, however, Services Australia built and tested this capability. Therefore, the MVP1.1 appears as 100 per cent incomplete, however, the Full GovERP has 8 per cent complete.

    Table 15: Build status of P2P capabilities (see Reference 25)



    Build Complete? (see Reference 26)

    Business processes

    Technology component


    Services ProcurementMVP1.1Yes


    SAP S/4HANAPart of “Supplier Management” capability, so status reflects the same


    SAP S/4HANA Sourcing & 


    SAP SuccessFactors

    Functional testing was not completed.

    0 (see Reference 27)

    SAP S/4HANA Sourcing & ProcurementPart of “Purchasing” capability, so status reflect the same
    Contractor ManagementMVP1.1No


    SAP Success Factors 

    SAP S/4HANA Sourcing & 


    Functional testing was not completed.
    Contract ManagementMVP1.1No


    SAP S/4HANA Sourcing & ProcurementFunctional testing was not completed.
    Accounts PayableMVP1.1No


    SAP S/4HANA – Accounts 

    Payable Payment Run and 


    Below processes not built:

    •  Manage Credit Memos

    (via VIM)

    Functional testing was not completed.

    Note, this capability is part of the Finance business area, However, is included in the P2P value stream.

    Report Procurement ActivitiesMVP1.1No


    SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) for statutory reports 

    AusTender Reporting Tool for AusTender reporting

    Below processes not built:

    •  Manage Reporting Procurement toAusTender (Gazettal)

    Functional testing was not completed.



    SAP S/4HANA Sourcing & Procurement 

    OpenText Vendor Invoice Management for SAP solutions 

    OpenText Intelligent 

    Capture for SAP

    No build information provided

    Whole of government 

    Central Purchasing



    SAP S/4HANANo build information provided
    Supplier ManagementNot in MVP1.1 ScopeYes (built irrespective of MVP scope)


    SAP Master Data Governance

    Although not in scope, the following process was built:

    • Manage Supplier Master Data

    Functional testing did not occur.

    SourcingNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNo (partially built irrespective of MVP scope) 


    SAP S/4HANA Sourcing & Procurement 

    SAP Analytics Cloud (Reporting) 

    SAP Master Data 


    AusTender Reporting Tool

    Although not in scope, the following processes were built:

    • Mange sourcing panel
    • Manage Sourcing Agency Master Agreement
    • Source Goods and/or Services via Indigenous Supplier
    • Manage Sourcing Open Approach to Market 
    • Manage Purchase Goods and/or Services Low Value

    Functional testing did not occur.

    Asset ManagementNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNo


    SAP S/4HANA 
    Inventory ManagementNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNo


    SAP S/4HANA 


    4.5.2 P2P WRICEF summary 

    The table below provides a summary of these elements, detailing their presence across various P2P capabilities.

    Table 16: P2P WRICEF summary (see Reference 28)
    CapabilityWorkflowsReportInterfaces+ IntegrationConversionEnhancementFormTotal
    Accounts Payable    12 12



    2   4 6
    Contractor Management 1   6 7
    Purchasing1   5410
    Sourcing     2 2

    A further eight WRICEF’s were planned for MVP1.1 with AGD enhancements which were:

    • Four reports (all for Contract Management)
    • Four enhancements (two for Contract Management, one for Contractor Management and one for Purchasing).

    The completeness (see Reference 29) status of the WRICEFs is summarised below:

    The figure above describes the procure to pay value stream WRICEF completeness. 14 per cent were in progress 86 per cent are complete.
    Figure 28: P2P WRICEF completeness (up to functional testing)

    If all WRICEF’s are built, the complexity of managing the MVP1.1 WRICEFs on an ongoing basis is summarised below. Appendix D details a breakdown of each WRICEF and the indicative effort required for maintenance.  

    The figure describes the procure to pay value stream WRICEF maintenance effort level estimates 4 are high, 18 are medium and 15 are low.
    Figure 29: P2P WRICEF maintenance effort estimates

    The ongoing impact of maintaining these WRICEF’s will depend on the updates and releases by SAP. The release cadence for S/4HANA is every 12 months.

    Furthermore, GovERP has not integrated with either of the below whole of government solutions which are already built and operational across a range of entities:

    • ARC, which is the whole of government AusTender publishing integration tool.
    • Peppol, which is the whole of government e-invoicing solution.

    Since comprehensive testing of procurement functionalities has not been conducted, potential vulnerabilities and defects may yet be undetected.

    AGD also highlighted that it became evident the capability to be deployed was a significant step backward from their existing capability, and in some instances did not reflect the nature of procurement within the public service. 

    4.5.3 Key P2P insights

    The key insights for P2P are summarised below:

    Table 17: Key P2P insights

    P2P insights

    P2P1 There are 37 P2P WRICEF’s, most of which will require effort to maintain.


    4.5.4 Re-use considerations for P2P

    Based on the information provided by Services Australia regarding the build status of GovERP, it is not possible to assess the re-usability of the intended MVP1.1 build.

    From a Tier 3 re-use perspective on intellectual property, almost all information could be considered by a potential agency.

    4.6 Travel and Expense Management (TEMS)

    Travel and Expense Management (TEMS) refers to the software and systems designed to manage and optimise the travel management and expense management functions of an organisation within the broader framework of an ERP system. 

    The Expense8 and GovComply products are used to deliver the TEMS value stream and are hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS). The tools are hosted onshore in either a protected (see Reference 30) or non-protected environment (see Reference 31). Build status across value streams, functions, and components.

    4.6.1 Build status across value streams, functions, and components

    The build completion for TEMS across the GovERP MVP and the full GovERP is depicted in the figure below.

    There were a total of 27 business processes and sub-processes across four capabilities which were presented to the BPMC, and all were endorsed (see Reference 32).

    Figure 30 describes the Travel and expense management value stream completion from the full scope of GovERP. 100 per cent not built. Figure 31 describes the Travel and expense management value stream completion from minimum viable product 1.1. 100 per cent not built.
    Figure 30: TEMS completion – Full GovERP 
    Figure 31: TEMS completion – MVP1.1

    The table below provides a detailed view of the build and testing status of respective capabilities.

    Table 18: Build status of TEMS capabilities (see Reference 33)



    Build Complete? (see Reference 34)

    Business processes

    Technology component


    Expense ManagementMVP1.1



    Expense8Functional testing not completed
    Auditing and Compliance ManagementMVP1.1



    GovComplyFunctional testing not completed
    Credit Card ManagementMVP1.1




    Integrations for the below processes are not built:

    Functional testing not completed

    Travel ManagementMVP1.1




    Integrations to SAP for the below processes are not built: 

    • Maintain traveller profile
    • Calculate and pay travel allowances

    Functional testing not completed

    Although TEMS is considered not complete as advised by Services Australia, due to integrations with S/4HANA yet to occur, Reason Group have been advised by both the Department of Finance and 8common that the Expense8 product has been built and deployed within other Government Departments. Further, Expense8 has been integrated with a range of other technologies (e.g. TechnologyOne, SAP ECC6). For this reason, section 5 of this report addresses how the Expense8 product could be reused.

    The GovERP template has been built into the SaaS product and is currently used by over 20 APS entities, including the Service Delivery Office in the Department of Finance and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

    Key functionality requested by GovERP prior to the handover to Services Australia, and which has been incorporated into the configurable SaaS product, includes:

    • ‘GovComply’ which incorporated functionality capable of continuously monitoring and auditing credit card and employee reimbursements transactions. GovComply runs a series of policy tests across all transactional data on a nightly basis, creating workflow exceptions to an agency’s audit team for investigation and remediation.
    • Catering for behavioural differences between official and relocation trips. Expense8 had incorporated differences in approval workflows, travel allowance calculations/rules, and available trip cost types, including 'removalist' and 'pet transportation/boarding' costs for relocation trips. Additionally, Expense8 features a configurable 'other cost' type that can be tailored to meet each agency's individual needs.
    • Rebuild of the Credit Card Application Module, which now incorporates automatically inferring card limits upon application, automatically create and transmit to Diners when a new employee is added, automated deactivation of a credit card following an employee leaving, updated delegations based on APS level, and capability for an executive assistant to start a card application on behalf of their assigned executive.
    • Integrated to the travel booking portal Cytric provided by Corporate Travel Management (CTM) under the whole of government travel arrangements.

    4.6.2 TEMS WRICEF summary

    The table below provides a summary of these elements, detailing their presence across various TEMS capabilities.

    Table 19: TEMS WRICEF summary (see Reference 36)
    CapabilityWorkflowsReportInterfaces+ IntegrationConversionEnhancementFormTotal
    Auditing and Compliance Management       
    Expense Management  




    Manage Travel       
    Managing Credit Cards       








    No further changes were planned for MVP1.1 with AGD enhancements.

    The completeness (see Reference 37) status of the WRICEFs is summarised below.

    The figure describes the WRICEF completeness against the Travel and Expense Management (TEMS) value stream. 30 per cent are in progress and 70 per cent are complete.
    Figure 32: TEMS WRICEF completeness (up to functional testing)

    Indicatively, if all WRICEF’s are built, the complexity of managing the MVP1.1 WRICEFs on an ongoing basis is summarised below. Appendix D details a breakdown of each WRICEF and the indicative effort required for maintenance.  

    The figure describes the Travel and Expense Management (TEMS) value stream WRICEF maintenance effort level estimates. 10 are low.
    Figure 33: TEMS WRICEF maintenance effort estimates

    4.6.3 Key TEMS insights

    The key insights for TEMS are summarised below.

    Table 20: Key TEMS insights

    TEMS insights

    TEMS1 Expense8 has had several functionality uplifts prior to the handover of GovERP to Services Australia, and as a configurable SaaS product, is able to be immediately reused by other entities.
    TEMS2 None of the WRICEFs built into the TEMS solution (Expense8 and GovComply) are anticipated to have a high complexity of ongoing maintenance. As a SaaS solution, the vendor will be responsible for the ongoing management of these WRICEFs.
    TEMS3 There are 10 TEMS WRICEFs, all of which will require a low effort to maintain.
    TEMS4 Despite the build status of the GovERP template for TEMS, Expense8 can be operated independently of GovERP as a standalone product, which can be integrated into another entity’s environment.


    4.6.4 Re-use considerations for TEMS

    Based on the information provided by Services Australia regarding the build status of GovERP, it is not possible to assess the re-usability of the intended MVP1.1 build. The MVP test report classifies this value stream and its capabilities as either “not built” or “N/A” (see Reference 38), as they were implemented by the vendor, 8common (see Reference 39). 

    Note, however, the vendor, 8common, has indicated that the GovERP template is being utilised by over 40 entities including the Service Delivery Office in the Department of Finance and the Department of Veterans Affairs. The vendor has stated this template version is readily reusable as a configurable, integrable product.

    The Shared Services Division of the Department of Finance has also confirmed this information. 

    4.7 Data 

    H2R provides pre-defined employee data models supporting both master data and transactional data requirements. Moreover, it offers predefined APIs for seamless interoperability and well-defined data standards.

    Similarly, SAP S/4HANA Finance and Procurement solutions (B2R, R2B, P2P) presented a comprehensive set of Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) data models catering to both master and transactional data. These models were complemented by integration modules within the SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) Integration Suites, exposing standardised data formats. 
    Customisation was introduced to align with the specific needs of the Australian Government, such as compliance with the Central Budget Management System (CBMS) and other statutory requirements.

    The overarching approach to data standards embraced a blend of COTS solutions with tailored modifications to meet the requirements of the Australian government's MVP initiatives. This approach enabled alignment with the evolving landscape of governmental data exchange requirements.

    During the engagement, data dictionaries were provided, explaining the structure of the data in GovERP core systems. To re-use these solutions, onboarding entities would need to adopt the data standards (and/or transform and integrate to them).

    No production or personally identifiable data was loaded into GovERP, all data used in unit testing was obfuscated data (see Reference 40).

    4.8 Security

    4.8.1 GovERP Technology Platform 

    The GovERP system runs on virtual computers and storage provided by Microsoft's Azure cloud platform, managed by Service Australia (see Reference 41). This setup allows GovERP to use the processing power and resources of Azure Virtual Desktops (AVD) to run the GovERP system. This approach additionally allowed GovERP to leverage security settings established by and previously assessed for Services Australia in Azure, rather than creating a security governance model from the ground up.

    All security settings were represented in the Technology Hub, which allowed administrators to manage the GovERP system and infrastructure. 

    Patch management via Azure Update is in place but there is no standard operating procedure. Patches for virtual machines and Microsoft applications are automatically applied via Microsoft and cannot be deferred, however timeframes were undocumented. 

    Backups of virtual machines and logs are configured in Azure and managed through Azure Backup. Configuration is stored as infrastructure-as-code and in Intune, both of which are backed up in Azure Backup. However, there are no formal backup procedures or processes documented for backups in GovERP. 

    Microsoft Sentinel was chosen as the security information event management (SIEM) solution within the Azure GTP Environment; a scalable, cloud-native, and security orchestration automated response (SOAR) solution. 

    The IRAP assessment for GTP included an assessment of the Essential Eight Strategies to Mitigate Cyber Security Incidents. The IRAP assessment of GovERP Technology Platform (GTP) relied heavily on security settings in Microsoft Azure. Multifactor Authentication (MFA) was determined to be fully met (Maturity Level 2) during the assessment; however, no other Essential Eight maturity areas were met (Level 0). 

    The first of several planned IRAP assessments was conducted on the GovERP stack in September 2023. This assessment relied heavily on security controls available in the PROTECTED Azure cloud, per the 2021 Azure IRAP assessment. Thus, any areas such as physical data centre, physical networking, physical hosts, virtualisation or platform management were explicitly excluded from detailed security planning as they would be inherited from Microsoft.

    Identities in GovERP were to consist of unprivileged users (who use and administer the applications hosted on Azure) and privileged users who administer the underlying technology stack in Azure.

    All privileged user identities were to be created in Azure Active Directory (AAD), and hence AAD was to be the GovERP platform source of truth.

    AAD provided authentication and authorisation of user credentials to the hosts (Azure Virtual Desktops). Single-sign-on (SSO) to AAD resources was provided natively by Azure, however users would still be prompted for MFA or have restricted access via applications based on conditional access policies configured in the platform security design. 

    4.8.2 Expense8

    Expense8 has had an IRAP assessment completed recently (2023), providing reasonable assurance that its security processes and maturity are suitable for government use. This assessment can be leveraged by any agency using its services.

    4.8.3 SAP S/4HANA

    SAP S/4HANA is a central part of the current GovERP product, integrated to other SAP components via SAP BTP. At present, S/4HANA is deployed in Services Australia private Azure tenancy. 

    S/4HANA has an independent security certification (IRAP/Cloud Security Assessment) which can be leveraged by other entities outside of the Services Australia tenancy. Note that the IRAP assessment focuses on the private cloud edition of SAP ERP, which may not be useful for alternative reuse strategies. 

    Given S/4HANA is implemented on Services Australia’s infrastructure, it will be the responsibility of Service Australia to maintain patching, upgrades, and maintenance requirements.

    4.8.4 SAP SuccessFactors

    SAP SuccessFactors does not assert any formal Australian government security certifications. Entities should pursue their own security certifications if using the product.

    4.8.5 SAP Signavio

    SAP Signavio is dedicated to modelling business processes, aiming to identify divergent processes, siloed information, and communication gaps to eliminate inefficiencies. The use of Signavio within GovERP was limited to cataloguing approved process maps, as the GovERP platform did not reach sufficient maturity to benefit from process improvement.

    SAP Signavio has been IRAP-assessed (Cloud Security Assessment - March 2023) for Australian Government use, and any subsequent reuse of Signavio can leverage this assessment.



    1. Per 20240410 GovERP MVP WoAG Template status v1.2 Baseline + Updated with comments for Partial, April 2024
    2. Services Australia, 220707.5.01 AttA GovERP End to End Solution Architecture v2.0, Section 8.1.1. ‘Technology Decisions and Architecture Alignment, July 2022 
    3. 1. 220623.5.04 AttA Finance HLA v1.0, page 73 
    4. There is a known disparity between the number of process maps approved and the number of process maps included in Decision 22 as per the ‘Business Process’ column within the below build and functional testing status table. The exact reason for this disparity could not be prosecuted as part of this assessment, as the BPMC minutes and meeting content, which included the process maps, was unable to be provisioned by Services Australia in time for this report.
    5. As per 17. 20240410 GovERP MVP WoAG Template status v1.2 Baseline + Updated with comments for Partial, April 2024.
    6. Results extracted from 17. 20240410 GovERP MVP WoAG Template status v1.2 Baseline + Updated with comments for Partial, April 2024.
    7. The presence of these WRICEF components for a capability indicates that custom developments or configurations are in place. WRICEF components and changes to the core via enhancements add consideration to the maintenance overhead associated with these customisations when assessing the reusability of capabilities in GovERP (see Reference X).
    8. As per 220707.5.01 AttA GovERP End to End Solution Architecture v2.0, July 2022
    9. Completeness refers to the completion of both build and functional testing.
    10. As per Request #6 - Responses to clarification questions 1604 v1.0
    11. Refer to Section 2.4.3 Potential for reuse
    12. Per 220609.5.01 AttA GovERP Application Landscape Strategy V2.0.pdf, June 2022
    13. There is a known disparity between the number of process maps approved and the number of process maps included in Decision 22 as per the ‘Business Process’ column within the below build and functional testing status table. The exact reason for this disparity could not be prosecuted as part of this assessment, as the BPMC minutes and meeting content, which included the process maps, was unable to be provisioned by Services Australia in time for this report.
    14. Per presentation DTA Reuse Meeting 3 April 2024 redacted, April 2024
    15. As per 17. 20240410 GovERP MVP WoAG Template status v1.2 Baseline + Updated with comments for Partial, April 2024.
    16. Results extracted from 17. 20240410 GovERP MVP WoAG Template status v1.2 Baseline + Updated with comments for Partial, April 2024.
    17. As per Request #6b - Updated 1804 - final responses to clarification questions 1604 v1.1
    18. As per Request #6b - Updated 1804 - final responses to clarification questions 1604 v1.1
    19. The presence of these WRICEF components for a capability indicates that custom developments or configurations are in place. WRICEF components and changes to the core via enhancements add consideration to the maintenance overhead associated with these customisations when assessing the reusability of capabilities in GovERP.
    20. As per ‘17. 20240410 GovERP MVP WoAG Template status v1.2 Baseline + Updated with comments for Partial’. 
    21. Results extracted from 17. 20240410 GovERP MVP WoAG Template status v1.2 Baseline + Updated with comments for Partial.
    22. The presence of these WRICEF components for a capability indicates that custom developments or configurations are in place. WRICEF components and changes to the core via enhancements add consideration to the maintenance overhead associated with these customisations when assessing the reusability of capabilities in GovERP.
    23. Completeness refers to the completion of both build and functional testing.
    24. There is a known disparity between the number of process maps approved and the number of process maps included in Decision 22 as per the ‘Business Process’ column within the below build and functional testing status table. The exact reason for this disparity could not be prosecuted as part of this assessment, as the BPMC minutes and meeting content, which included the process maps, was unable to be provisioned by Services Australia in time for this report.
    25. As per 17. 20240410 GovERP MVP WoAG Template status v1.2 Baseline + Updated with comments for Partial.
    26. Results extracted from 17. 20240410 GovERP MVP WoAG Template status v1.2 Baseline + Updated with comments for Partial
    27. Processes for this capability were rolled into “Purchasing” per Decision 22 found in Decision Framework Briefing_Outcomes of SSSC, page 145.
    28. The presence of these WRICEF components for a capability indicates that custom developments or configurations are in place. WRICEF components and changes to the core via enhancements add consideration to the maintenance overhead associated with these customisations when assessing the reusability of capabilities in GovERP.
    29. Completeness refers to the completion of both build and functional testing.
    30. Only accessible onshore with relevant security clearances.
    31. Overseas support can be provided on the non-protected environment.
    32. There is a known disparity between the number of process maps approved and the number of process maps included in Decision 22 as per the ‘Business Process’ column within the below build and functional testing status table. The exact reason for this disparity could not be prosecuted as part of this assessment, as the BPMC minutes and meeting content, which included the process maps, was unable to be provisioned by Services Australia in time for this report.
    33. As per 17. 20240410 GovERP MVP WoAG Template status v1.2 Baseline + Updated with comments for Partial, April 2024.
    34. Results extracted from 17. 20240410 GovERP MVP WoAG Template status v1.2 Baseline + Updated with comments for Partial.
    35. 8common advised verbally that this integration occurred after the pause of GovERP, however, this was not validated in the information provided by Services Australia.
    36. The presence of these WRICEF components for a capability indicates that custom developments or configurations are in place. WRICEF components and changes to the core via enhancements add consideration to the maintenance overhead associated with these customisations when assessing the reusability of capabilities in GovERP. 
    37. Completeness refers to the completion of both build and functional testing.
    38. Meaning not applicable 
    39. As per 26. GovERP Template Test Execution Summary Report, page 2 
    40. As per advice received from Services Australia. Note, Reason Group did not cite the data included within GovERP.
    41. As per GovERP Technology Platform (GTP) IRAP Assessment v1.3 2023
  • 5. What can be reused and how?

    5.1    Overview

    The current state of GovERP diverges significantly from the original program design and original operating model. The project has also seen an abrupt pause partway through development. While certain aspects of GovERP hold potential as accelerators for entities, it's important to recognise that entities will likely need to complete and potentially further customise the templates while adhering to existing data standards; AGD’s experience necessitated similar considerations for use of GovERP.

    To leverage GovERP components as accelerators, additional considerations and negotiations regarding whole of government licensing implications will be necessary. For large entities grappling with complex ERP requirements and substantial IT workforces, particularly those reliant on SAP, GovERP could serve as a potent accelerator, potentially featuring numerous enhancements tailored to government needs.

    The foundational premise of GovERP and its proposed operating model was intended to create a reusable platform across the government landscape. However, with the project's scope now reduced  minimum viable product and shared services suspended, coupled with a departure from the initial operating model and the componentisation of GovERP, achieving the desired level of reusability presents a challenge.

    In alignment with the Reuse Hierarchy, the following components have been identified as capable of reuse.

    Table 21: Value stream and/or technology reusability summary
    Value streamTechnologyTier 1Tier 2Tier 3
    Hire to Retire (H2R)SAP Success Factorsnot reusablereusablereusable

    Finance, including Revenue to 

    Bank (R2B) and Budget to Report (B2R)

    SAP S/4HANAnot reusablereusablereusable
    Procure-to-pay (P2P)SAP S/4HANAnot reusablenot reusablereusable
    Travel and expense management (TEMS)Expense8reusablenot reusablereusable

    Whilst the above focuses on specific technologies which can be reused, blueprints and patterns for the other technologies identified in section 5.7 could be reused by other entities as well (outright or as accelerators).

    The conditions and considerations pertinent to the reuse of these components are discussed in the subsequent sections.

    5.2    Practical re-use considerations

    When considering the reuse of a substantial ERP technology solution, it is essential to assess not only what could be reused, but also whether it should be reused. While some entities may be closer to adoption than others, consistency doesn’t always translate to simpler or more costeffective implementation. Therefore, practical considerations for reusing components should be thoroughly evaluated in every scenario.

    5.2.1     Componentisation

    While the GovERP solution was not originally conceived with componentisation in mind, there was consideration given to implementing an iterative go-live approach, indicating that some level of modularisation may be feasible. 

    However, it is important to acknowledge that achieving true modularisation presents substantial challenges without established commercial agreements, hosting solutions, complete components, and adherence to data standards. 

    Given the current hosting arrangements, an iterative go-live strategy and the potential for reuse seem most appropriate for Services Australia's implementation of the solution. 

    5.2.2     Operating Model

    The original GovERP operating model included the concept of a Technology Hub, which would encompass all core products and enhancements and manage maintenance and upgrades.  This hub was intended to be ‘linked’ to a variable number of Provider Hubs, allowing entities to benefit from the core system while making bespoke changes as needed in their own versions.

    In this model, the Technology Hub would be hosted and managed by an entity with the requisite SAP skills and workforce to properly oversee the core GovERP product and government enhancements. Entities would be responsible for managing any customisations they made for themselves, while core maintenance and enhancement uplifts would be managed by the Technology Hub provider.

    For the current ERP product, two different operating models could support reuse:

    1. Lift and shift: Services Australia could assist entities in packaging (and supporting) a copy of the GovERP codebase (in whole or in part) for deployment into their own landscape, thus expediting their ERP implementations.
      This would likely require significant effort from Services Australia, and lead to several other implications, such as commercial considerations, data management, and process alignment, which would need to be considered.
    2. Vendor SaaS: Subject to commercial considerations, the product (and associated components) could be stabilised and offered by vendors as one or multiple SaaS products to other entities. 
      This would likely require substantial effort from Services Australia, and lead to various other implications, including commercial factors, data, management, and process alignment, which will need to be addressed accordingly.

    5.2.3     Commercial

    There will be commercial implications to any reuse, including the finalisation of the existing build, potential software end-of-life costs, and upgrade implications. These considerations are likely to require advocacy from the DTA as whole of government considerations for some or all the GovERP components, including:

    1. reuse of the end-to-end GovERP product: Once (if) it is finalised.
    2. component reuse: Can entities take some or all the code as the current package, but only pay for the specific services that they use?
    3. SaaS vendor solutions: If some of the solution accelerators are packaged up, and vendors sell them to other government entities, is there a whole of government discount licence as a part of this?
    4. lift and shift: If this option is chosen, there will likely be one-off costs incurred on the Services Australia side to package the solution up, in addition to licensing implications and adoption costs from entities wanting to utilise what has been built.

    5.2.4     Data

    For any re-use of the current solution, whether in its entirety or component-based, onboarding or reusing entities would need to adopt the data standards currently built into the GovERP solution. Further, if entities are using part of or integrating back to their processing platforms, these data standards will need to be adhered to both for migration to go-live and transactionally for ongoing use. Work will be required to define the data standards in a way that entities can consume and understand the effort. 

    5.2.5     Maintenance

    Balancing standardisation with customisation is crucial to meet specific government needs effectively. Standardising processes where possible reduces complexity, improves maintainability, and facilitates interoperability among government entities.

    Therefore, any agency intending to implement GovERP will require a dedicated team to maintain and operate the platform. Properly sizing and monitoring the resource consumption of the WRICEF components will be vital to ensuring GovERP continues to meet business requirements over time.

    The current GovERP asset may be able to assist large entities with complex ERP needs, particularly those with substantial IT workforces and/or using SAP, as it can serve as an accelerator, given the availability of support teams for maintenance requirements.

    Despite the build status, SAP have advised (see Reference 1):

    • "There is nothing visible in the core solutions that would limit supportability in the future using GovERP template for Services Australia ERP”.
    • “There is nothing visible that would limit its reuse nor deem it not supportable”.
    • "No changes to standard / core code, as well as all WRICEFs [having been] reviewed by the SAP Premium Engagement team”.

    5.2.6     Integration

    For any reuse of the current solution, whether in its entirety or based on components, onboarding or reusing entities would have to adhere to the integration standards already established in the GovERP solution.

    Effort will be needed to define these integration standards in a way that entities can easily understand and adopt.

    Adopting consistent integration standards, even if not all components of GovERP are used as accelerators or reused, would still reduce lower implementation costs and minimise impact across government entities by aligning data standards more closely across the whole of government.

    5.2.7     Business process alignment

    Entities should recognise that to effectively utilise any aspect of the GovERP solution (i.e. for it to be cost-effective and reusable), they must adopt the envisioned business processes outlined in the template. 

    Any deviation from this will likely necessitate additional enhancements, data modifications, and integration considerations.

    Further, entities will need to conduct a fit-gap analysis to determine any specific business process requirements that extend beyond the template.

    5.2.8     Solution Gaps

    At this point, any entity intending to reuse (or use as accelerators) any aspect of the GovERP product must assess the effort required to develop capabilities that are currently absent or require enhancement based on the current build and test status. 

    5.3    H2R | SAP SuccessFactors

    5.3.1     Residual build requirements

    SuccessFactors serves as a comprehensive HR management platform, encompassing core HR and payroll, talent management, sales performance management, people analytics, and workforce planning. 

    Configurable learning modules within SuccessFactors allow for agency-specific training to be incorporated into localised versions. While version MVP 1.1 with AGD enhancements demonstrated capability in these areas, the full functionality build remains incomplete, representing a partial build for the common template.

    5.3.2     Implementation options, timeframes, and potential costs

    Substantial effort would be required to map existing process, align data and integration standards, and potentially decouple the existing SuccessFactors solution from the GovERP landscape, to use as an accelerator. Entities will also need to consider the implications of using this within the SAP Sovereign Cloud.

    SuccessFactors blueprints/patterns can be reused in their current state once requirements and implementation planning has been undertaken by interested entities.

    SAP has advised the logical module groupings, which could be deployed in a phased approach, are:

    • EC (core), ECP & Time Tracking
    • Recruitment and Onboarding
    • Performance & Goals and Learning
    • Succession & Development

    By componentising these modules and implementing them in phases, SAP suggests the development burden is potentially reduced, although this has not been quantified. The suitability of these groupings will need to be assessed based on agency requirements at the time of product consideration.

    5.3.3     Procurement and Commercial

    The whole of government agreement for licencing and implementing the SAP SuccessFactors platform is currently under negotiation. The existing panel (SON3464296) expires June 2024. Professional Services cost estimations will be explored further post-completion of the whole of government SAP negotiation. Other commercial implications exist as per section 5.2 of this document.

    5.3.4     Technology and architecture

    MVP1.1 includes 5 WRICEF enhancements to the Leave and Absence Management, and Payroll Services modules within SuccessFactors. An additional 12 WRICEF interface designs under the Employee Management, Payroll Services, and Leave and Absence modules are built, supporting reusable capabilities upon completion of build and test activities

    5.3.5     Security, data, and storage

    SAP SuccessFactors does not possess formal Australian Government security certifications. Entities intending to use the product suite should pursue their own security certifications. Given SuccessFactors’ storage on the SAP Sovereign cloud, integration with SAP Sovereign Cloud is necessary if using the GovERP version.

    5.3.6     Governance

    Without formal ownership of governance documents and a dedicated uplift and maintenance strategy, the current state common template and GovERP blueprints and patterns risk becoming archival records. Ongoing management of the SuccessFactors MVP templates is crucial.

    5.3.7     Ongoing maintenance and support

    SuccessFactors follows a 6-monthly release cycle, whereas ECC6 previously followed a 12-month release cycle. For each release, the client agency will need to undertake testing of the proposed upgrade and any support and remediation activities associated with it.

    5.4    R2B + B2R + P2P | S/4HANA

    SAP S/4HANA serves as the primary Finance and Procurement solution within GovERP, covering the value streams of Budget to Report (B2R), Revenue to Bank (R2B), and Procure to Pay (P2P).

    5.4.1     Residual build requirements

    Any remaining build requirements for the MVP must be finalised and tested, including systems integration testing and user acceptance testing. Given the ongoing development and testing needed for B2R, R2B and P2P, a detailed cost estimate from Services Australia is necessary to address any gaps.

    Furthermore, it is expected that additional configuration will be necessary to align with the requirements of individual entities. Therefore, each agency will need to conduct a gap fit analysis as part of their implementation process, including configurations and conducting associated testing.

    5.4.2   Implementation options, timeframes, and potential costs

    Based on the available data and SAP's advice, two pathways are apparent for the S/4HANA components associated with GovERP.

    1. Utilise a copy of the Services Australia version as an accelerator in an agency's own Azure instance. 
    2. Upgrade the version of S/4HANA to the latest release and migrate to the SAP Sovereign Cloud. 

    It is essential to acknowledge the implications outlined in this document, including commercial considerations, ongoing maintenance, versioning, and end-of-life considerations, before proceeding with either option.

    5.4.3     Procurement and Commercial

    The current licensing agreement for S/4HANA was issued under GovERP. Services Australia and the DTA have indicated that confirmation is necessary before another agency can use it. Therefore, each agency may need to negotiate new licensing arrangements in line with their implementation option. 

    Negotiations for the licensing and implementation of the SAP S/4HANA platform under the whole of government agreement are currently underway. The existing panel (SON3464296) is set to expire in June 2024.

    Further investigations into the estimated Professional Services costs to complete this will be required once the whole of government SAP negotiation is finalised in June 2024.

    5.4.4     Technology and architecture

    SAP S/4HANA serves as the core FMIS, currently hosted on a private instance in Azure. It is supported until 2040 under existing commercial arrangements.

    The current version of S/4HANA being used is already two releases behind the current version. To make it cloud ready, an upgrade would be necessary at some point in the future to maintain integration with SAP SuccessFactors in the SAP Sovereign Cloud (SSC).

    Within the S/4HANA landscape, there are also systems like SAP Master Data Governance, Open Text Vendor Invoice Management (VIM), MS Sentinel, and MS Active Directory, all of which need to be packaged to ensure future reusability.

    While progress has been made, further work is needed on the S/4HANA product to fully realise the envisioned core financial management capabilities outlined in this document.

    MVP1.1 incorporates 61 WRICEF enhancements tailored to the whole of government template for the standard SAP S/4HANA product, serving as reusable accelerators.

    As advised by SAP, the current FPS01 (2021) instance of S/4HANA needs upgrading and reconfiguration to at least the October 2023 (FPS00 2023) release to ensure long-term connectivity to any SAP Sovereign Cloud solution as a viable reuse option.

    5.4.5     Security, data, and storage

    Security, data, and storage considerations are crucial for SAP S/4HANA, a central component of the current GovERP product, integrated with other SAP components via SAP BTP.  Currently, S/4HANA is deployed within Services Australia’s private Azure tenancy. 

    S/4HANA has an independent security certification (IRAP/Cloud Security Assessment), which can be leveraged by other entities outside of Services Australia’s tenancy. However, it’s important to note the IRAP assessment focuses on the private cloud edition of SAP ERP, which may not align with alternative reuse strategies. 

    Given the S/4HANA is implemented on Services Australia’s infrastructure, the responsibility for maintaining patching, upgrades and maintenance requirements falls on Services Australia.

    5.4.6     Governance

    Without formal ownership of governance documents and a dedicated uplift and maintenance strategy, the current state common template and GovERP blueprints and patterns risk becoming archival records of the program's status as of 2023. It is crucial to note that ongoing management of the S/4HANA MVP templates will be necessary.

    5.4.7     Ongoing maintenance and support

    As noted previously the existing GovERP asset could potentially serve large entities with complex ERP requirements, especially those with substantial IT teams, particularly in SAP expertise, to expedite implementation. However, it's crucial to note that ongoing maintenance and support of the S/4HANA solution will be necessary on the client side.

    5.5     TEMS | Expense8

    Expense8 is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), cloud-based travel and expense management solution provided by 8common. It has been operational in the Australian Government since 2011.

    5.5.1     Residual build requirements

    As a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product, Expense8 is developed and maintained by the vendor. It's advised that the current whole of government template, employed by over 40 entities, necessitates straightforward configurations rather than intricate setups before deployment.

    While the product is ready for use, integrations with S/4HANA have not been established (e.g., APIs) and may be necessary for adoption by another agency by using this technology state. 

    However, the vendor has indicated integrations with various other technologies (such as TechnologyOne, SAP ECC6, Sage, Dynamics) are already in place.

    Furthermore, the vendor has indicated any additional GovERP template builds will be integrated back into the configurable SaaS product. This will allow entities to toggle the features and functions as needed.

    5.5.2   Implementation options, timeframes, and potential costs

    Expense8, being a cloud-based Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product, offers two deployment options: 

    • either as a standalone solution, or
    • integrated into existing or legacy tools.

    Implementation of Expense8 typically spans 3-6 months with a team of approximately 2-5 FTE. 

    Factors influencing the timeline include scope definition, resource availability, existing technology stack and infrastructure, customisation and configuration requirements, data migration and cleansing, user training and change management, regulatory compliance, security, testing, quality assurance, and external dependencies. Ongoing costs are subscription-based.

    A typical rollout as provided by the vendor, involves several stages:

    • understanding agency readiness, including change management and communications
    • discovery using the GovERP template as an initial baseline and the Expense8 ‘Early Adoption’ program
    • configuration and customisations
    • testing
    • deployment and training
    • sustainment.

    Being hosted on AWS as a SaaS product, Expense8 shows no performance limitations. The main risk to successful implementation lies in resource provision within project teams. While the implementation effort for Expense8 is generally low, appropriate resource allocation, especially for data sourcing and migration activities during the initial release, is crucial for success. This implementation risk is not unique to Expense8, but it's worth noting as highlighted by current use cases during the assessment of the GovERP ecosystem.

    5.5.3     Procurement and Commercial

    Expense8 is available through the Cloud Marketplace (SON3668352) managed by BuyICT. 

    Entities need to obtain their own licences, as there is no whole of government licence and no ‘piggy backing’ contractual clause (see Reference 2), although Services Australia has a head agreement with the vendor 8common.

    5.5.4     Technology and architecture

    Expense8 key features include but are not limited to pre-trip approval, real-time tracking of travel costs, and automated expense reporting and reimbursement. The product operates as a Softwareas-a-Service (SaaS) model stored and maintained by the vendor.

    Expense8 notes they are the sole product in the market that integrates with the CTM travel provider. Enabling users to book and manage travel expenses within a unified interface. As a sovereign platform, it provides tailored functionality for users to request and order corporate cards for APS travel and expenses.

    The Expense8 core platform is equipped with integrations and APIs compatible with numerous technology platforms, including Technology One, SAP, Chris21/HR21, Sage, Dynamics, and Oracle. This broad compatibility allows Expense8 to seamlessly integrate with multiple Australian Government entities, regardless of their financial management and HR technical solutions. However, customisations specific to the localised version of the GovERP platform, such as those for AGD, may not be reusable unless the target agency shares the same capability requirements.

    MVP1.1 incorporates 10 WRICEF enhancements tailored to the whole of government template for the standard SAP S/4HANA product, serving as reusable accelerators.

    5.5.5     Security, data, and storage

    Expense8 has obtained IRAP certification (2023, PROTECTED), hosted on AWS servers located in Australia. Notably, Expense8 operates within two distinct hosting environments:

    • protected cloud: This environment is exclusively accessible to suitably security-cleared personnel within Australia, making it the preferred option for most Australian Government workloads.
    • public cloud: Accessible by offshore staff who support Expense8, this environment serves specific purposes within the operational framework.

    Moreover, Expense8 complies with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), which necessitates security measures for handling payment card data.

    5.5.6     Governance

    Governance requirements for this solution are minimal.

    5.5.7     Ongoing maintenance and support

    Ongoing maintenance and support for Expense8, being a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution, is handled entirely by 8common. Entities are responsible for covering the costs of licences on an ongoing basis. Any customisations needed will require negotiation with 8common. 

    5.6    GovERP Processes | SAP Signavio

    SAP Signavio comprises a suite of business process management (BPM) and transformation tools offered by SAP. 

    5.6.1     Residual build requirements

    No residual build requirements have been identified for SAP Signavio.

    5.6.2   Implementation options, timeframes, and potential costs

    Although an archival version (see Reference 3) of the system has been extracted into .pdf form, the extracted artefact has lost editability and will diminish in value as a reuse tool over time. A copy of the Signavio file can be provisioned by Services Australia, which is expected to retain all functionality and features, however, will require another entity to hold appropriate licences to access the file via Signavio.

    Services Australia has indicated that approximately four other Australian Government entities (e.g. Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC) and the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (DITRDCA)) are interested in accessing the Signavio system for process map usage. This interest indicates a government-wide need to maintain or find a suitable digital alternative for long-term access to information within the Signavio platform.

    Given Services Australia’s position to discontinue the use of Signavio (refer Section 5.6.3 Procurement and commercial), the only viable option for reusing this content is to transfer a full copy of the archive file to the DTA (see Reference 4) or DOF. The DTA or DOF will then be responsible for maintaining the process maps in consultation with key stakeholders, such as Services Australia.

    The exact cost implications for SAP Signavio will depend on the number of users and modules required, with larger organisations likely to incur significantly higher costs than smaller ones. 

    5.6.3     Procurement and commercial 

    The current licencing arrangement for Signavio is due to expire in July 2024 and Services Australia intends to let the current licence arrangement lapse due to availability of other platforms in the Services Australia ecosystem, such as Aris, which better suits their needs.

    The original intent was for Signavio to be rolled out to other entities so that BPM could be used across government entities, especially once GovERP was onboarded by those other entities.

    5.6.4     Technology and architecture

    Signavio is a standalone process mapping tool, and other parts of GovERP do not rely on Signavio to run or operate. However, the current ERP Solution Manager is integrated with Signavio via SAP BTP to facilitate the exchange of process documentation content.

    5.6.5     Security, data, and storage

    Signavio has been IRAP-assessed (Cloud Security Assessment - March 2023) for Australian Government use, providing assurance of its suitability for government purposes.

    5.6.6     Governance

    The governance arrangements which lead to the creation of the Signavio process maps have effectively disbanded. There was considerable governance within the GovERP Program to ensure agreement where possible to drive process consistency across entities. There is value maintaining this governance government-wide.

    The entity that takes possession of a Signavio archive file will need to ensure appropriate change controls are implemented to ensure the process maps reflect the ERP system builds and are updated accordingly.

    5.6.7     Ongoing maintenance and support

    As a SaaS solution, all maintenance, upgrades, and enhancements are managed by SAP. 

    Entities will be required to cover the ongoing costs of licences any customisations will need to be negotiated with SAP. Maintaining the process maps to ensure they remain contemporary and aligned to the chosen ERP solution will require substantial effort.

    5.7 Other technologies intended to augment the GovERP solutions 

    Various technologies within GovERP can be considered to augment the GovERP solution. The table below delineates these factors.

    Table 22: Technologies intended to augment the GovERP solution
    SAP Business Technology Platform
    • Can be used as an accelerator for integration of SAP technologies within the GovERP landscape.
    SAP Sovereign Cloud
    • Sovereign Cloud was deployed for use in GovERP and can be used by other entities.
    • There are potential cost savings in licencing and provisioning of the cloud environments through the utilisation of what has already been deployed for GovERP.
    SAP Analytics Cloud
    • Reusable for statutory reporting purposes, in conjunction with SAP product set.
    SAP Fiori Launchpad
    • Embedded as part of core SAP S/4HANA solution, however, is not in itself reuseable as it is highly configured to the GovERP.
    SAP Fieldglass
    • Product was built by the vendor, SAP, however, was not progressed in the build for GovERP MVP1.1.
    SAP Enable Now
    • No configuration as part of GovERP, however, could be reused by other agencies.
    SAP Ariba
    • Nothing built for this product in GovERP.
    SAP Master Data Governance
    • Configured as part of GovERP and could be reused as an accelerator for S/4HANA.
    Open Text Vendor Invoice Management (VIM)
    • Nothing built for this product in GovERP.
    IBM Sterling
    • Built for use by Services Australia, however, could be used as an integration tool for other agencies.
    • Established whole of government capability, however, integration not progressed in MVP1.1
    • IT Service Management tool and used for GovERP, but progression was paused when GovERP was halted.
    • The licence for this expired 29 April 2024 and is no longer part of the solution stack.
    Services Australia’s Private Microsoft Azure Cloud
    • Established for use by Services Australia. Access by other entities will require agreement by Services Australia, potentially akin to existing managed services provisioned by Services Australia for the Department of Social Services and the Department of Veterans Affairs.
    • There are potential cost savings in licencing and provisioning of the cloud environments through the utilisation of what has already been deployed by Services Australia.
    MS Sentinel
    • Established for use by Services Australia only.
    MS Active Directory
    • Established for use by Services Australia only.
    • Nothing built for this product in GovERP.
  • References

    1. Per Supportability and GovERP reuse for Services Australia ERP, as provided by SAP Australia on 11 April 2024.
    2. As per discussions with Expense8 and Services Australia.
    3. Signavio archive and an XML archive
    4. Note, the DTA have made an interim decision to have the Signavio file transferred to them.
  • Appendix A: Technologies in GovERP

    Table 23: Technologies in GovERP architecture
    TechnologyVendorHostingDescriptionArchitectural capabilityRelevant value stream(s)
    SAP S/4HANASAPMicrosoft Azure IaaSFinancial Management Information SystemFinance Procurement

    Procure to Pay

    Revenue to Bank

    Budget to Report

    SAP Enable nowSAPSAPTutorial video managementNoneHire to Retire
    IBM SterlingIBMServices AustraliaSecure file transferNoneAll
    SAP Business Technology PlatformSAPSAP Sovereign Cloud (PaaS)Extract, transform and load tool, combined with analytics capabilitiesAll (integration) IntelligenceAll
    SAP Analytics CloudSAPSAP Sovereign Cloud (PaaS)Reporting solutionReporting, Analytics and DataAll
    SAP AribaSAPSAP Sovereign Cloud (PaaS)Contract ManagementNoneProcure to Pay, however, not selected and approved as part of GovERP
    SAP Fieldglass SAPSAP Sovereign Cloud (PaaS)Contractor ManagementContractor ManagementProcure to Pay
    SAP Fiori LaunchpadSAPSAP Sovereign Cloud (PaaS)User interfaceUser Interaction

    Procure to Pay

    Hire to Retire

    Revenue to Bank

    Budget to Report

    SAP SuccessFactorsSAPSAP Sovereign Cloud (PaaS)Human capital management toolHuman ResourcesHire to Retire
    SAP Master Data GovernanceSAPMicrosoft Azure IaaSManagement of all master dataAll (data management)All
    SAP SignavioSAPSAP Sovereign Cloud (PaaS)Business Process ManagementAll (processes)All
    Open Text Vendor Invoice Management (VIM)OpenText (partnered w/SAP)Microsoft Azure IaaSVendor invoice managementProcurementProcure to Pay
    Expense8Expense8AWSTravel and expense managementTravel Expense ManagementTravel and Expense Management
    ServiceNowServiceNowMicrosoft Azure IaaSIT Service ManagementIT Service ManagementEnquire to Resolve
    MS SentinelMicrosoftMicrosoft Azure IaaSSecurity information and event management (SIEM)SecurityAll
    MS Active DirectoryMicrosoftMicrosoft Azure IaaSActive directoryApplication, Platform, and InfrastructureAll
    PeppolOpenPeppolServices Australiae-invoicingProcurementProcure to Pay
  • 7. Appendix B: Value stream and technology mapping

    Table 24: Value stream and technology mapping
    Business AreaValue StreamCapabilityCore/ EdgeData Standard/Data ObjectsMVP1.1 ScopeDevelopment CompletedFunctional TestingBuild CompleteCore Platform
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireLearning ManagementEdgeNot applicableMVP1.1CompletedCompletedYesSAP SuccessFactors
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireLeave and Absence ManagementCoreEmployee, Work Location, Holiday CalendarMVP1.1CompletedCompletedYesSAP SuccessFactors
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireOrganisational ManagementCoreOrganisational StructureMVP1.1CompletedCompletedYesSAP SuccessFactors
    Human ResourcesHire to RetirePerformance ManagementEdgeEmployee, Pay Scale Group, Job Information, PositionMVP1.1CompletedCompletedYesSAP SuccessFactors
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireRecruitmentEdgePay Grade, Position/Employee, Position, Pay Grade, Work Permit Information, Prior ServiceMVP1.1CompletedCompletedYesSAP SuccessFactors
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireOnboardingEdgePay Grade, Position/Employee, Position, Pay Grade, Work Permit Information, Prior ServiceMVP1.1CompletedCompletedYesSAP SuccessFactors
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireOffboardingCoreEmployee, Position, Termination DetailsMVP1.1CompletedCompletedYesSAP SuccessFactors
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWork Time and AttendanceCoreEmployee, Pay Grade, Holiday CalendarMVP1.1CompletedCompletedYesSAP SuccessFactors
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireTime Sheet Recording and ManagementCoreNot applicableMVP1.1PartialPartialNoSAP SuccessFactors
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireManager Self ServiceCoreEmployee, Position, Pay GradeMVP1.1Built, to the extent of dependent capabilities builtNot testedNoSAP SuccessFactors
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireEmployee Self ServiceCoreEmployee, Position, Pay GradeMVP1.1Built, to the extent of dependent capabilities builtNot testedNoSAP SuccessFactors
    Human ResourcesHire to RetirePayroll ServicesCoreEmployee, Pay Grade, Holiday Calendar, Remuneration Information, Tax File Number, Frequency, BankMVP1.1CompletedPartialNoSAP SuccessFactors
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireEmployee ManagementCoreEmployee, Position, Pay GradeMVP1.1PartialPartialNoSAP SuccessFactors
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireConcurrent EmploymentCoreNot applicableNot in MVP1.1 ScopePartialPartialNoSAP SuccessFactors
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireGlobal EmploymentCoreNot applicableNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNot part of MVP1.1Not part of MVP1.1NoSAP SuccessFactors
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireHR Case ManagementEdgeNot applicableNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNot part of MVP1.1Not part of MVP1.1NoYet to be determined
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWork Health and SafetyEdgeNot applicableNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNot part of MVP1.1Not part of MVP1.1NoYet to be determined
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWorkplace RelationsEdgeNot applicableNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNot part of MVP1.1Not part of MVP1.1NoYet to be determined
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireCompensation ManagementEdgeNot applicableNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNot part of MVP1.1Not part of MVP1.1NoSAP SuccessFactors
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWorkplace PlanningEdgeNot applicableNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNot part of MVP1.1Not part of MVP1.1NoYet to be determined
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireSchedule RosteringEdgeNot applicableNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNot part of MVP1.1Not part of MVP1.1NoYet to be determined
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireSuccession and Career DevelopmentEdgeNot applicableNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNot part of MVP1.1Not part of MVP1.1NoSAP SuccessFactors
    FinanceBudget to ReportAsset AccountingCoreAsset MasterMVP1.1CompletedCompletedYesSAP S/4HANA
    FinanceBudget to ReportCost ManagementCoreCost Centre, Profit Centre, Activity Type, Statistical Key Figure, Groups and Global HierarchiesMVP1.1CompletedCompletedYesSAP S/4HANA
    FinanceBudget to ReportFunds ManagementCoreCommitment Item, Budget Period, Funded Program, Funds Centre, Application of Funds, Groups and HierarchiesMVP1.1CompletedCompletedYesSAP S/4HANA
    FinanceBudget to ReportGeneral LedgerCoreGeneral Ledger Account, Global Account Hierarchies, Trading PartnerMVP1.1CompletedCompletedYesSAP S/4HANA
    FinanceBudget to ReportProject AccountingCoreProject / WBSMVP1.1CompletedCompletedYesSAP S/4HANA
    FinanceBudget to ReportTax ManagementCoreBusiness Partner - Customer, Business Partner - Supplier, General Ledger Account, Project / WBSMVP1.1CompletedCompletedYesSAP S/4HANA
    FinanceBudget to ReportStatutory ReportingCoreNot applicableMVP1.1CompletedCompletedYesSAP S/4HANA
    FinanceBudget to ReportManagement ReportingCoreNot applicableMVP1.1CompletedCompletedYesSAP S/4HANA
    FinanceBudget to ReportBudgeting and PlanningCoreEmployee, Position, Pay Grade, General Ledger, Cost Centre, Project / WBS, Profit Centre, Asset Class, Commitment Item, Fund, Funds Centre, Funded Program, Application of FundsMVP1.1CompletedPartialNoSAP S/4HANA
    FinanceBudget to ReportCommonwealth ReportingCoreNot applicableMVP1.1Not BuiltNot TestedNoSAP S/4HANA
    FinanceBudget to ReportLease AccountingCoreNot applicableMVP1.1Not BuiltNot TestedNoSAP S/4HANA
    FinanceBudget to ReportInventory AccountingCoreNot applicableNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNot part of MVP1.1Not part of MVP1.1NoSAP S/4HANA
    FinanceRevenue to BankAccounts ReceivableCoreBusiness Partner - General, Business Partner - Finance Customer, Business Partner - CollectionsMVP1.1CompletedPartialNoSAP S/4HANA
    FinanceRevenue to BankBanking and Cash ManagementCoreBank, Bank Hierarchy, Bank AccountMVP1.1CompletedPartialNoSAP S/4HANA
    FinanceRevenue to BankSales ManagementCoreNot applicableNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNot part of MVP1.1Not part of MVP1.1NoSAP S/4HANA
    ProcurementProcure to PaySourcing ProcurementCoreNot applicableMVP1.1CompletedCompletedYesSAP S/4HANA
    ProcurementProcure to PayPurchasingCoreUnit of Measure, Plant, Purchase Organisation, Purchase Group, Material Group, Vendor Business Partner, Material Master, Storage Location, Employee Master, Cost Centre, Profit Centre, WBS, General LedgerMVP1.1CompletedNot testedNoSAP S/4HANA
    ProcurementProcure to PayReceiptingCoreAP Invoicing and ReceiptsMVP1.1CompletedNot testedNoSAP S/4HANA
    ProcurementProcure to PayContractor ManagementEdgeUnit of Measure, Plant, Purchase Organization, Purchase Group, Vendor Business Partner, Material Master, Storage Location, Employee Master, Cost Centre, Profit Centre, WBS, General LedgerMVP1.1CompletedPartialNoSAP S/4HANA
    ProcurementProcure to PayContract ManagementEdgeUnit of Measure, Plant, Purchase Organization, Purchase Group, Vendor Business Partner, Material Group, Material Master, Storage Location, Employee MasterMVP1.1CompletedPartialNoSAP S/4HANA
    ProcurementProcure to PayAccounts PayableCoreCost Centre, Profit Centre, WBS, General Ledger, Business Partner, AP invoiceMVP1.1PartialNot testedNoSAP S/4HANA
    ProcurementProcure to PayReport Management ActivitiesCoreNot applicableMVP1.1PartialNot testedNoSAP S/4HANA
    ProcurementProcure to Paye-procurementEdgeNot applicableMVP1.1No information providedNo information providedNoSAP S/4HANA
    ProcurementProcure to PayWhole of government Central PurchasingCoreNot applicableMVP1.1No information providedNo information providedNoSAP S/4HANA
    ProcurementProcure to PaySupplier ManagementCoreVendor Business PartnerNot in MVP1.1 ScopeCompletedCompletedYesSAP S/4HANA
    ProcurementProcure to PaySourcingEdgeUnit of Measure, Plant, Purchase Organization, Purchase Group, Vendor Business Partner, Material Master, Storage Location, Person Master, Cost Centre, Profit Centre, WBS Element, General Ledger Account, Material GroupMVP1.1CompletedPartialNoSAP S/4HANA
    ProcurementProcure to PayAsset ManagementCoreNot applicableNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNot part of MVP1.1Not part of MVP1.1NoSAP S/4HANA
    ProcurementProcure to PayInventory ManagementCoreNot applicableNot in MVP1.1 ScopeNot part of MVP1.1Not part of MVP1.1NoSAP S/4HANA
    FinanceTravel and Expense ManagementExpense ManagementEdge
    • Person Master
    • Cost Centre
    • Employee Group
    • GL Account
    • WBS Element
    • Travel Policy
    • Expense Policy
    • Traveller Profile
    • Vendor ID
    • Approvers
    • Travel Arranger
    • Travel Delegate
    • Travel Preferences
    • Bank
    • Contact Information
    MVP1.1CompletedNot testedNoExpense8
    FinanceTravel and Expense ManagementAuditing and Compliance ManagementEdge
    • Contact Information
    • Person Master
    • Cost Centre
    • Employee Group
    • GL Account
    • WBS Element
    • Travel Policy
    • Expense Policy
    • Traveller Profile
    • Vendor ID
    • Approvers
    • Travel Arranger
    • Travel Delegate
    • Travel Preferences
    • Bank
    MVP1.1CompletedNot testedNoExpense8
    FinanceTravel and Expense ManagementTravel ManagementEdge
    • Person
    • Cost Centre
    • Employee Group
    • GL Account
    • WBS Element
    • Travel Policy
    • Expense Policy
    • Traveller Profile
    • Vendor ID
    • Approvers
    • Travel Arranger
    • Travel Delegate
    • Travel Preferences
    • Bank
    • Contact Information
    MVP1.1PartialNot testedNoExpense8
    FinanceTravel and Expense ManagementCredit Card ManagementEdge
    • Person Master
    • Cost Centre
    • Employee Group
    • GL Account
    • WBS Element
    • Expense Policy
    • Vendor ID
    • Approvers
    • Travel Arranger
    • Travel Delegate
    • Bank
    MVP1.1PartialNot testedNoExpense8
  • Appendix C: Business function catalogue

    The below table provides a breakdown of the agreed mapping of business areas to value streams to functional capabilities to processes as per Decision 22 of the GovERP Program.

    Table 25: Business function catalogue
    Business Area / Business Capability Value Stream Capability / Sub Capability Business Process 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireCompensation ManagementManage Rewards and Incentives 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireCompensation ManagementNomination and Communication of Reward
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireCompensation ManagementManage Salary Review and Budgets
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireCompensation ManagementDesign and Set-up Incentive Plan
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireCompensation ManagementForecast Incentive Payments
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireCompensation ManagementCalculation and Communication of Incentive Payments
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireCompensation ManagementManage Long Term Incentives
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireConcurrent EmploymentManage Concurrent Employee Assignments
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireEmployee ManagementManage Employee Data 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireEmployee ManagementManage Employee Movements (Internal) 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireEmployee ManagementManage Employee Movements (External) 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireEmployee ManagementManage MOG Related Movements
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireEmployee ManagementManage Workers Compensation 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireEmployee ManagementManage International Assignments 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireEmployee ManagementManage Concurrent Employee Assignments 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireEmployee ManagementManage Operational Reporting 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireEmployee Self ServiceManage Employee Notifications
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireEmployee Self ServiceManage Employee Work Items
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireGlobal EmploymentManage Global Employment 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireGlobal EmploymentManage Country / Region specific conditions
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireGlobal EmploymentManage Country / Region specific compliance
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireHR Case ManagementManage APS Code of Conduct Case 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireHR Case ManagementManage Staff Grievance
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireLearning ManagementManage Employee Career Related Learning and Development 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireLearning ManagementManage Development Programs
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireLearning ManagementManage Internal Coaching and Mentoring 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireLearning ManagementManage Mandatory Assessments 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireLearning ManagementDevelop & Manage Organisational Needs Analysis and Profile
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireLearning ManagementDefine Organisational Capabilities and Competencies
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireLearning ManagementDevelop & Manage Learning & Development Framework
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireLearning ManagementConduct Learning and Development Analysis
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireLearning ManagementMonitor Staff Skills and Qualifications
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireLearning ManagementManage L & D Vendors and ThirdParty Suppliers
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireLearning ManagementDevelop & Manage Learning Content & Development Offerings
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireLearning ManagementManage Delivery of Learning Management Services
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireLeave & Absence ManagementManage Absences
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireLeave & Absence ManagementManage Leave Accruals
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireLeave & Absence ManagementManage Prior Service
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireLeave & Absence ManagementManage Leave Cash Out 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireLeave & Absence ManagementManage Purchase Leave
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireManager Self ServiceManage Manager Notifications
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireManager Self ServiceManage Manager Approvals
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireManager Self ServiceOrganisational Unit Reporting
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireOff-boardingManage Staff Off-boarding
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireOff-boardingManage Agency Off-boarding
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireOff-boardingManage Pay & Personnel Offboarding Related Activities
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireOff-boardingManage Employee Pre Off-boarding Activities
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireOff-boardingManage Post Off-boarding Activities
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireOn-boardingManage Pre-Commencement Activities
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireOn-boardingManage Commencement 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireOn-boardingManage On-board Agency 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireOn-boardingManage Post-Recruit Verification Steps 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireOn-boardingManage Orientation Steps
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireOn-boardingManage First Working Day
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireOn-boardingManage Post-Day 1 On-boarding
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireOrganisational ManagementManage Organisational Units
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireOrganisational ManagementManage Positions
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireOrganisational ManagementManage Jobs
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireOrganisational ManagementManage Job Families
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireOrganisational ManagementManage Additional Attributes / Structures
    Human ResourcesHire to RetirePayroll ServicesManage Deductions 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetirePayroll ServicesManage Allowances 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetirePayroll ServicesManage Ad-hoc Payments 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetirePayroll ServicesManage Disbursements 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetirePayroll ServicesManage Superannuation 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetirePayroll ServicesManage Increments Adjustments 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetirePayroll ServicesManage Over / Under Payment
    Human ResourcesHire to RetirePayroll ServicesPrepare and Manage Payroll Runs 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetirePayroll ServicesPrepare and Manage Off Cycle Payments
    Human ResourcesHire to RetirePayroll ServicesManage Employee Payroll Data 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetirePayroll ServicesManage Salary Packaging 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetirePayroll ServicesManage Single Touch Payroll 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetirePayroll ServicesManage Payroll Reporting 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetirePayroll ServicesManage Salary Recall 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetirePayroll ServicesManage Salary Advancement 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetirePerformance & Goals ManagementDevelop Staff Performance Agreement 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetirePerformance & Goals ManagementManage Staff Performance 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetirePerformance & Goals ManagementManage Appraisal Templates and 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetirePerformance & Goals ManagementManage 360 Degree Reviews
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireRecruitment Manage Requirement to Recruit 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireRecruitment Manage Job Requisitions 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireRecruitment Manage Talent Search & Sourcing
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireRecruitment Manage Candidate Assessment
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireRecruitment Manage Candidate Selection
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireRecruitment Manage Offer Process 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireRecruitment Manage Candidate Pre-Screening
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireRecruitment Manage Bulk Recruitment Activities
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireRecruitment Manage Reporting and Analytics
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireSchedule RosteringManage Schedules and Staff Rosters
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireSchedule RosteringManage Time Substitutions
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireSuccession and Career DevelopmentManage Leadership Pathways 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireSuccession and Career DevelopmentManage Staff Career Paths 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireSuccession and Career DevelopmentManage Mentoring Services 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireSuccession and Career DevelopmentIdentify and Nominate Talents
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireSuccession and Career DevelopmentManage Development Plan
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireTime Sheet Recording & ManagementCapture Time / Capture Time (Bulk)
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireTime Sheet Recording & ManagementManage Time Sheet Recording
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWork Health and SafetyManage Work Health and Safety 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWork Health and SafetyManage WHS Training and Qualifications
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWork Health and SafetyManage WHS Roles 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWork Health and SafetyManage WHS Compliance 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWork Health and SafetyPlan WHS Policies 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWork Health and SafetyManage Staff Wellbeing Programs 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWork Health and SafetyManage WHS Related Vendors and
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWork Health and SafetySupporting Third Parties 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWork Health and SafetyReport WHS Information 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWork Health and SafetyManage WHS Secretariat 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWork Health and SafetyRehabilitation and Health Case Management
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWork Time & AttendanceManage Working Times
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWork Time & AttendanceManage Time Sheet Recording
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWork Time & AttendanceManage and Process Time Evaluation
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWorkforce PlanningConduct Strategic Workforce Planning 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWorkforce PlanningConduct Workforce Planning 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWorkforce PlanningConduct Workforce Reporting
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWorkforce PlanningConduct Strategic Planning for Entry level Programs 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWorkforce PlanningManage Agency frameworks for Entry level Programs 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWorkforce PlanningConduct Strategic Planning for Diversity Programs 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWorkforce PlanningManage Agency Frameworks for Diversity Programs 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWorkforce RelationsDevelop Agency Enterprise Agreement 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWorkforce RelationsManage Agency Enterprise Agreement 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWorkforce RelationsDevelop HR Policies and Procedures 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWorkforce RelationsManage HR Policies and Procedures 
    Human ResourcesHire to RetireWorkforce RelationsManage Compliance Activities 
    FinanceBudget to ReportAsset AccountingManage Asset Master Data
    FinanceBudget to ReportAsset AccountingAcquire Assets
    FinanceBudget to ReportAsset AccountingValue Assets
    FinanceBudget to ReportAsset AccountingRetire Assets
    FinanceBudget to ReportAsset AccountingPerform end of reporting period processing
    FinanceBudget to ReportAsset AccountingReport on Fixed Assets
    FinanceBudget to ReportBudgeting & PlanningManage Budget Master Data 
    FinanceBudget to ReportBudgeting & PlanningManage External Budget 
    FinanceBudget to ReportBudgeting & PlanningManage Internal Budget 
    FinanceBudget to ReportBudgeting & PlanningManage Forecast 
    FinanceBudget to ReportBudgeting & PlanningReport of Financial Results 
    FinanceBudget to ReportBudgeting & PlanningAnalyse Financial Results 
    FinanceBudget to ReportCommonwealth ReportingPrepare Commonwealth Reports
    FinanceBudget to ReportCost ManagementManage Cost Management Master Data 
    FinanceBudget to ReportCost ManagementPerform Cost Planning 
    FinanceBudget to ReportCost ManagementCapture Actual Costs 
    FinanceBudget to ReportCost ManagementDistribute Costs 
    FinanceBudget to ReportCost ManagementManage Plan Data 
    FinanceBudget to ReportCost ManagementExecute Cost Management Report 
    FinanceBudget to ReportFunds ManagementManage Funds master data 
    FinanceBudget to ReportFunds ManagementManage Appropriation Funding 
    FinanceBudget to ReportFunds ManagementManage Availability Control 
    FinanceBudget to ReportGeneral LedgerManage Finance Master Data
    FinanceBudget to ReportGeneral LedgerManage GL Journal Entries
    FinanceBudget to ReportGeneral LedgerPerform GL Clearing
    FinanceBudget to ReportGeneral LedgerProcess GL Documents
    FinanceBudget to ReportGeneral LedgerPerform Exchange Rate Processing 
    FinanceBudget to ReportGeneral LedgerPerform GL Reconciliations
    FinanceBudget to ReportGeneral LedgerManage Financial Reporting Period
    FinanceBudget to ReportInventory AccountingManage Inventory Valuation
    FinanceBudget to ReportInventory AccountingConduct Inventory Accounting
    FinanceBudget to ReportInventory AccountingConduct Stocktake
    FinanceBudget to ReportLease AccountingManage Lease Master Data
    FinanceBudget to ReportLease AccountingManage Lease Contract
    FinanceBudget to ReportLease AccountingPerform Valuations or Adjustments to
    FinanceBudget to ReportLease AccountingLease Contract
    FinanceBudget to ReportLease AccountingPerform Posting for Lease Contract
    FinanceBudget to ReportLease AccountingClose Contract
    FinanceBudget to ReportManagement ReportingPrepare Management Reports
    FinanceBudget to ReportProject AccountingManage Project Master Data
    FinanceBudget to ReportProject AccountingPlan Project Budget
    FinanceBudget to ReportProject AccountingCapture Project Costs
    FinanceBudget to ReportProject AccountingSettle project
    FinanceBudget to ReportProject AccountingClose Project
    FinanceBudget to ReportProject AccountingReport on Project
    FinanceBudget to ReportSales ManagementManage Sales Master Data
    FinanceBudget to ReportSales ManagementManage Sales Contracts
    FinanceBudget to ReportSales ManagementManage Sales Orders
    FinanceBudget to ReportSales ManagementSupply Goods and/or Services
    FinanceBudget to ReportSales ManagementExecute Sales Reports
    FinanceBudget to ReportStatutory ReportingPrepare Statutory Reports
    FinanceBudget to ReportTax ManagementConduct Taxation Accounting
    FinanceBudget to ReportTax ManagementExecute Compliance Reporting 
    FinanceRevenue to BankAccounts ReceivableManage AR Master Data
    FinanceRevenue to BankAccounts ReceivableManage AR invoices
    FinanceRevenue to BankAccounts ReceivableManage Receipts
    FinanceRevenue to BankAccounts ReceivableConduct AR clearing
    FinanceRevenue to BankAccounts ReceivableManage Customer Debt-writeoff/Waiver and Disputes
    FinanceRevenue to BankAccounts ReceivableManage Credit Notes, Charge Backs and Refunds
    FinanceRevenue to BankAccounts ReceivablePerform AR Periodic Activities 
    FinanceRevenue to BankAccounts ReceivablePerform Collection Activities
    FinanceRevenue to BankAccounts ReceivableConduct AR reporting activities for management and statutory bodies
    FinanceRevenue to BankBanking and Cash ManagementManage Banking Master Data
    FinanceRevenue to BankBanking and Cash ManagementManage Drawdowns and Deposit Receipts
    FinanceRevenue to BankBanking and Cash ManagementMaintain, void & re-issue payments
    FinanceRevenue to BankBanking and Cash ManagementReconcile Bank Accounts
    FinanceRevenue to BankBanking and Cash ManagementInteragency, Department & Administered Transfers
    FinanceRevenue to BankBanking and Cash ManagementBanking and Treasury Reports
    FinanceRevenue to BankSales ManagementManage Sales Master Data
    FinanceRevenue to BankSales ManagementManage Sales Contracts
    FinanceRevenue to BankSales ManagementManage Sales Orders
    FinanceRevenue to BankSales ManagementSupply Goods and/or Services
    FinanceRevenue to BankSales ManagementExecute Sales Reports
    ProcurementProcure to PayAccounts PayableManage AP Master Data
    ProcurementProcure to PayAccounts PayableManage Incoming Invoices
    ProcurementProcure to PayAccounts PayableManage AP Payment Run and Approval
    ProcurementProcure to PayAccounts PayablePerform AP Periodic Activities
    ProcurementProcure to PayAsset ManagementManage Asset Master Data
    ProcurementProcure to PayAsset ManagementManage Acquisition and On-boarding of Assets
    ProcurementProcure to PayAsset ManagementManage Maintenance Planning and Scheduling
    ProcurementProcure to PayAsset ManagementPerform Maintenance of Assets
    ProcurementProcure to PayAsset ManagementManage Decommissioning and Disposal of Assets
    ProcurementProcure to PayContract ManagementManage Contract Negotiations
    ProcurementProcure to PayContract ManagementMaintain Contract and Contract Terms
    ProcurementProcure to PayContract ManagementManage Contract Amendments
    ProcurementProcure to PayContract ManagementManage non-procurement contracts (e.g. Grants)
    ProcurementProcure to PayContractor ManagementManage SOW
    ProcurementProcure to PayContractor ManagementManage On-boarding 
    ProcurementProcure to PayContractor ManagementManage Timesheets
    ProcurementProcure to PayContractor ManagementManage Recipient Created Tax Invoice
    ProcurementProcure to Paye-ProcurementManage Catalogue Purchasing (hosted, punch-out)
    ProcurementProcure to Paye-ProcurementManage e-Invoicing
    ProcurementProcure to Paye-ProcurementManage Transactions with suppliers
    ProcurementProcure to PayInventory ManagementManage Physical Inventory
    ProcurementProcure to PayInventory ManagementPerform Inbound Processing
    ProcurementProcure to PayInventory ManagementPerform Outbound Processing
    ProcurementProcure to PayPurchasingPurchase Goods and/or Services
    ProcurementProcure to PayReport Procurement Activities Manage Data for Procurement Framework Reporting
    ProcurementProcure to PayReport Procurement Activities Manage Reporting Procurement to AusTender (Gazettal)
    ProcurementProcure to PayReport Procurement Activities Run & Report Procurement as per Legislative Requirements
    ProcurementProcure to PayReport Procurement Activities Manage Senate Order Reporting
    ProcurementProcure to PaySourcingManage Planning of Procurement
    ProcurementProcure to PaySourcingManage Sourcing – Open Approach to Market 
    ProcurementProcure to PaySourcingManage Sourcing - Panel 
    ProcurementProcure to PaySourcingMaintain Panel Agreements
    ProcurementProcure to PaySourcingManage Purchase Goods and /or Services Low Value
    ProcurementProcure to PaySupplier ManagementManage Supplier registration & approval 
    ProcurementProcure to PaySupplier ManagementManage Supplier Master Data
    ProcurementProcure to PaySupplier ManagementManage Supplier Performance
    ProcurementProcure to PayWhole of government Central PurchasingManage Supplier Panels
    ProcurementProcure to PayWhole of government Central PurchasingManage whole of government contracts
    ProcurementProcure to PayWhole of government Central PurchasingPerform Transactions using whole of government agreements
    ExpenseTravel & ExpenseAuditing and Compliance ManagementUndertake fraud awareness training
    ExpenseTravel & ExpenseAuditing and Compliance ManagementManage Compliance rules & parameters
    ExpenseTravel & ExpenseAuditing and Compliance ManagementManage Compliance reporting
    ExpenseTravel & ExpenseAuditing and Compliance ManagementManage Compliance Breaches
    ExpenseTravel & ExpenseCredit Card ManagementIssue and Maintain Credit Card including Travel cards
    ExpenseTravel & ExpenseCredit Card ManagementManage Credit Card Transactions 
    ExpenseTravel & ExpenseCredit Card ManagementAcquit Credit Card
    ExpenseTravel & ExpenseCredit Card ManagementAuthorise Credit Card expenses
    ExpenseTravel & ExpenseCredit Card ManagementPay Credit Card Providers
    ExpenseTravel & ExpenseCredit Card ManagementCancel Credit Card
    ExpenseTravel & ExpenseExpense ManagementRemit Cash Advance/Allowance
    ExpenseTravel & ExpenseExpense ManagementManage Expense Claim
    ExpenseTravel & ExpenseExpense ManagementReport on Expenses
    TravelTravel & ExpenseManage TravelMaintain Traveller Profile
    TravelTravel & ExpenseManage TravelManage Travel Request Approval
    TravelTravel & ExpenseManage TravelManage Itinerary Segments
    TravelTravel & ExpenseManage TravelBook Travel
    TravelTravel & ExpenseManage TravelManage Travel Risk
    TravelTravel & ExpenseManage TravelCalculate and Pay Travel Allowances
    TravelTravel & ExpenseManage TravelAcquit Travel
    TravelTravel & ExpenseManage TravelReport on Travel
  • Appendix D: WRICEF details

    For each value stream, the relevant WRICEF’s are in the below table, which includes a maintenance effort estimate.

    Table 26: Estimated complexity of continuing to manage the WRICEF's
    #Value StreamProcesses/ CapabilitiesWRICEFWRICEF documentWRICEF DescriptionWhole of government (Gov) or AGDBuild StatusFunctional TestingEffort estimate
    1Hire to RetirePayroll servicesEnhancementRedactedSuper Choice & ComSuper Mash UpGovCompletedIn progressLow
    2Hire to RetirePayroll servicesEnhancementRedactedHR-PS Payroll Functions:LSL PT Average/SUPCOM Tables for Public SectorGovCompletedIn progressLow
    3Hire to RetirePayroll servicesEnhancementRedactedEC to ECP PTP ExtensionGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    4Hire to RetirePayroll servicesEnhancementRedactedEC to ECP PTP ExtensionGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    5Hire to RetirePayroll servicesFormRedactedRemuneration StatementGovCompletedIn progressLow
    6Hire to RetirePayroll servicesInterfaceRedactedPayroll Postings to General LedgerGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    7Hire to RetirePayroll servicesInterfaceRedactedSingle Touch PayrollGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    8Hire to RetirePayroll servicesInterfaceRedactedPayroll Bank File (DME)GovCompletedIn progressLow
    9Hire to RetirePayroll servicesReportRedactedSuperannuation Birthday ReviewGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    10Hire to RetirePayroll servicesReportRedactedCost Centre Manager ReportGovCompletedIn progressLow
    11Hire to RetireEmployee ManagementInterfaceRedactedEmployee Data to S/4HANA FinanceGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    12Hire to RetireEmployee ManagementInterfaceRedactedEmployee Data to Expense8GovCompletedIn progressMedium
    13Hire to RetireEmployee ManagementInterfaceRedactedEmployee Central to Employee Central PayrollGovCompletedIn progressLow
    14Hire to RetireEmployee ManagementInterfaceRedactedAGD Employee Data File ExtractAGDNot StartedIn progressLow
    15Hire to RetireEmployee ManagementInterfaceRedactedAGD One Identity File ExtractAGDNot StartedIn progressLow
    16Hire to RetireEmployee ManagementReportRedactedAPS Remuneration ReportGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    17Hire to RetireLeave ManagementEnhancementRedactedLSL LWOP (Continuity of ServiceTerm WB)GovCompletedIn progressLow
    18Hire to RetireLeave ManagementInterfaceRedactedTime Off Replication (EC to ECP)GovCompletedIn progressLow
    19Hire to RetireOrganisational ManagementInterfaceRedactedOrganisational Data to S/4HANA FinanceGovCompletedIn progressLow
    20Hire to RetireOrganisational ManagementInterfaceRedactedAGD Organisation Data File ExtractAGDNot StartedIn progressLow
    21Hire to RetireTime & AttendanceInterfaceRedactedTimesheet Replication (EC to ECP)GovCompletedIn progressLow
    22Budget to reportAccounts PayableEnhancementRedactedNon-Procurement Payments WorkflowGovCompletedCompletedLow
    23Budget to reportAccounts PayableEnhancementRedactedFinancial DelegationsGovCompletedCompletedLow
    24Budget to reportAccounts PayableEnhancementRedactedAuto Reversal of Payment RunAGDIn progressIn progressMedium
    25Budget to reportAsset AccountingEnhancementRedacted74/Asset Master RequestGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    26Budget to reportAsset AccountingEnhancementRedacted63/Asset Master Additional FieldsGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    27Budget to reportAsset AccountingReportRedactedPersonnel Issue Stocktake FormGovCompletedIn progressLow
    28Budget to reportAsset AccountingWorkflowRedacted156/A: Asset Issue/Retirement FormGovCompletedIn progressLow
    29Budget to reportBudget & PlanningInterfaceRedactedB&P Integration Program master dataGovCompletedIn progressLow
    30Budget to reportCost ManagementEnhancementRedactedA: Cost Centre Funds Centre Self/Serv ReqGovCompletedIn progressLow
    31Budget to reportCost ManagementEnhancementRedactedAuth obj for restricting CO allocationsGovCompletedIn progressLow
    32Budget to reportCost ManagementEnhancementRedactedCost Centers & hierarchy to TM1AGDIn progressIn progressLow
    33Budget to reportCost ManagementInterfaceRedacted340/Outbound: Profit Centre to 3rd partyGovCompletedIn progressLow
    34Budget to reportCost ManagementInterfaceRedacted339Outbound:CostCentre to3rd Party/AgencyGovCompletedIn progressLow
    35Budget to reportCost ManagementInterfaceRedacted342/Outbound: Cost Centre to ServiceNowGovCompletedIn progressLow
    36Budget to reportCost ManagementInterfaceRedacted337/8-Outbound: Cost Ctre to SF + ECPGovCompletedIn progressLow
    37Budget to reportFunds ManagementEnhancementRedactedA: FM Application of Funds Self ServiceGovCompletedIn progressLow
    38Budget to reportFunds ManagementEnhancementRedacted277/ManageProjectMasterData - DerivationGovCompletedIn progressLow
    39Budget to reportFunds ManagementEnhancementRedacted276/Manage Project Master Data - Funds/FPGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    40Budget to reportFunds ManagementEnhancementRedactedUpdate AVC Ledger "ZZ" for Mid-Year ReorGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    41Budget to reportFunds ManagementEnhancementRedactedEarmarked Funds Purchase ContractGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    42Budget to reportFunds ManagementWorkflowRedacted262/A: ManageAvailabilityControlWorkflowGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    43Budget to reportFunds ManagementWorkflowRedacted261/A: Manage Earmarked funds workflowGovCompletedIn progressLow
    44Budget to reportFunds ManagementWorkflowRedactedA: Manage AVC WF - extensionGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    45Budget to reportGeneral LedgerEnhancementRedacted274/A: Financial Closing CockpitGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    46Budget to reportGeneral LedgerEnhancementRedactedTEMP-FIN-Substitution with ref User ExitGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    47Budget to reportGeneral LedgerEnhancementRedactedAGD-FIN-BADI for Doc. SplittingGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    48Budget to reportGeneral LedgerEnhancementRedacted341/Outbound: GL Account to 3rd party AgGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    49Budget to reportGeneral LedgerInterfaceRedacted233/Import Exchange RatesGovCompletedIn progressLow
    50Budget to reportGeneral LedgerInterfaceRedacted344/Inbound: Journal EntriesGovCompletedIn progressLow
    51Budget to reportGeneral LedgerInterfaceRedactedOutbound Master Data for GL HierarchyGovCompletedIn progressLow
    52Budget to reportGeneral LedgerInterfaceRedactedAGD-FIN-Outbound GL TransactionsGovCompletedIn progressLow
    53Budget to reportGeneral LedgerInterfaceRedactedAGD-FIN-Outbound GL Trial BalanceGovCompletedIn progressLow
    54Budget to reportGeneral LedgerReportRedactedFinance Substitution at GL Line ItemGovCompletedIn progressLow
    55Budget to reportProject AccountingEnhancementRedactedProject Accounting Security - Company CoGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    56Budget to reportProject AccountingEnhancementRedactedProjects Naming ConventionGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    57Budget to reportProject AccountingInterfaceRedacted346/Outbound: Project - WBS ElementGovCompletedIn progressLow
    58Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedIn progressLow
    59Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedIn progressLow
    60Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedIn progressLow
    61Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedIn progressLow
    62Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedIn progressLow
    63Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedIn progressLow
    64Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedIn progressLow
    65Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedIn progressLow
    66Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedIn progressLow
    67Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedCompletedLow
    68Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedCompletedLow
    69Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedCompletedLow
    70Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedCompletedLow
    71Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedCompletedLow
    72Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedCompletedLow
    73Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedCompletedLow
    74Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedCompletedLow
    75Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedCompletedLow
    76Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedCompletedLow
    77Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedCompletedLow
    78Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedCompletedLow
    79Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedCompletedLow
    80Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedCompletedLow
    81Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedCompletedLow
    82Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedCompletedLow
    83Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedCompletedLow
    84Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedCompletedLow
    85Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedCompletedLow
    86Budget to reportStatutory ReportingReportRedactedSAC - Statutory ReportsGovCompletedCompletedLow
    87Revenue to BankAccounts ReceivableEnhancementRedacted258A: DebtCollectionAgency Appr. WorkflowGovCompletedCompletedLow
    88Revenue to BankAccounts ReceivableEnhancementRedacted31/Customer Invoice UploadGovCompletedCompletedMedium
    89Revenue to BankAccounts ReceivableEnhancementRedacted510/AR CorrespondenceGovCompletedCompletedMedium
    90Revenue to BankAccounts ReceivableEnhancementRedacted266/ A: Manage Customer DebtsGovCompletedCompletedLow
    91Revenue to BankAccounts ReceivableEnhancementRedactedMDG BP DerivationsGovCompletedCompletedMedium
    92Revenue to BankAccounts ReceivableEnhancementRedactedMDG - NotificationGovCompletedCompletedMedium
    93Revenue to BankAccounts ReceivableEnhancementRedactedMDG - Bank Master ReplicationGovCompletedCompletedLow
    94Revenue to BankAccounts ReceivableEnhancementRedacted29/Customer Invoice FormGovCompletedCompletedLow
    95Revenue to BankAccounts ReceivableEnhancementRedactedAccounts Payable Remittance AdviceGovCompletedCompletedLow
    96Revenue to BankAccounts ReceivableEnhancementRedactedMDG - Address Search n ValidatGovCompletedCompletedMedium
    97Revenue to BankAccounts ReceivableInterfaceRedacted38/PL:INFRA RBA RAPS Map and AutoReceiptGovCompletedCompletedLow
    98Revenue to BankAccounts ReceivableInterfaceRedactedSA - Customer E Invoice PeppolGovCompletedCompletedMedium
    99Revenue to BankAccounts ReceivableWorkflowRedacted257/A: Payment Plan Approval WorkflowGovCompletedCompletedLow
    110Revenue to BankBanking & Cash ManagementInterfaceRedacted51/DME Files for overseas banksGovCompletedIn progressLow
    111Revenue to BankBanking & Cash ManagementInterfaceRedacted271/Auto: Reconcile Bank AccountsGovCompletedIn progressLow
    112Revenue to BankBanking & Cash ManagementReportRedactedCBMS DD - Table 5GovCompletedCompletedMedium
    113Procurement to PayAccounts PayableEnhancementRedactedVIM Tax Invoice check Supplier invoiceGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    114Procurement to PayAccounts PayableEnhancementRedactedVIM Tax Code populationGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    115Procurement to PayAccounts PayableEnhancementRedactedVIM Pmt terms for e-InvoicingGovCompletedIn progressHigh
    116Procurement to PayAccounts PayableEnhancementRedactedVIM Update CoA User DetailsGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    117Procurement to PayAccounts PayableEnhancementRedactedVIM Non-PO BR for Invoice Value = $10KGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    118Procurement to PayAccounts PayableEnhancementRedactedVIM CoCode populationGovCompletedIn progressLow
    119Procurement to PayAccounts PayableEnhancementRedactedVIM Vendor No populationGovCompletedIn progressLow
    120Procurement to PayAccounts PayableEnhancementRedactedVIM Financial DelegationsGovCompletedIn progressHigh
    121Procurement to PayAccounts PayableEnhancementRedactedNon-Procurement Request for PaymentGovCompletedIn progressLow
    122Procurement to PayAccounts PayableEnhancementRedactedVIM Payment Terms Exception einvoiceGovCompletedIn progressHigh
    123Procurement to PayAccounts PayableEnhancementRedactedVIM Inter-Agency Suppl Inv Bypass $10kGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    124Procurement to PayAccounts PayableEnhancementRedactedPEPPOL Invoices to VIMGovIn progressIn progressMedium
    125Procurement to PayContract ManagementEnhancementRedactedContract Manager in Purchase ContractGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    126Procurement to PayContract ManagementEnhancementRedactedWorkflow Forwarding and SubstitutionGovCompletedIn progressLow
    127Procurement to PayContract ManagementEnhancementRedactedContract Mandatory and FM Error MessageGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    128Procurement to PayContract ManagementEnhancementRedactedPurch Contracts Custom FieldsGovIn progressIn progressMedium
    129Procurement to PayContract ManagementEnhancementRedactedEarmarked Funds Purchase ContractAGDIn progressIn progressMedium
    130Procurement to PayContract ManagementEnhancementRedactedPurchase ContractAGDCompletedIn progressMedium
    131Procurement to PayContract ManagementReportRedactedGovERP_FS_Procurement Requests OverviewAGDNot StartedIn progressMedium
    132Procurement to PayContract ManagementReportRedactedGovERP_FS_Source to Procure to Pay OverviewAGDNot StartedIn progressMedium
    133Procurement to PayContract ManagementReportRedactedGovERP_FS_Purchase Contracts OverviewAGDNot StartedIn progressLow
    134Procurement to PayContract ManagementReportRedactedGovERP_FS_Purchase Orders OverviewAGDNot StartedIn progressLow
    135Procurement to PayContract ManagementWorkflowRedactedPurchase ContractGovCompletedIn progressLow
    136Procurement to PayContract ManagementWorkflowRedactedP2P Workflow Inbox Work Item Text RequirementsGovCompletedIn progressLow
    137Procurement to PayContractor ManagementEnhancementRedactedMaterial Group SearchGovCompletedIn progressLow
    138Procurement to PayContractor ManagementEnhancementRedactedBusiness Partner Custom FieldsGovCompletedIn progressLow
    139Procurement to PayContractor ManagementEnhancementRedactedStore Legal Entity Name on Business PartnerGovCompletedIn progressLow
    140Procurement to PayContractor ManagementEnhancementRedactedCATS Enhancements CLGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    141Procurement to PayContractor ManagementEnhancementRedactedCATS Expose GUI TransactionsGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    142Procurement to PayContractor ManagementEnhancementRedactedP2P CATS AutomationAGDIn progressIn progressMedium
    143Procurement to PayContractor ManagementEnhancementRedactedCATS WorkflowGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    144Procurement to PayContractor ManagementWorkflowRedactedPurchase Requisition WorkflowGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    145Procurement to PayPurchasingEnhancementRedactedGST Calculation in P2P DocumentsGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    146Procurement to PayPurchasingEnhancementRedactedExpenditure Category Validation on Purchasing DocumentsGovCompletedIn progressLow
    147Procurement to PayPurchasingEnhancementRedactedAutofill Req_Tracking_Number_SSPGovCompletedIn progressMedium
    148Procurement to PayPurchasingEnhancementRedactedPurch Reqs Custom FieldsGovIn progressIn progressMedium
    149Procurement to PayPurchasingEnhancementRedactedPO Custom FieldsGovIn progressIn progressMedium
    150Procurement to PayPurchasingEnhancementRedactedP2PAdapt User Interface (UI)AGDIn progressIn progressLow
    151Procurement to PayPurchasingFormRedactedReq 555 ERS-RCTI FormGovCompletedIn progressLow
    152Procurement to PayPurchasingFormRedactedRecipient Created Tax Credit MemoGovCompletedIn progressLow
    153Procurement to PayPurchasingFormRedactedPO Form Long BP NameGovCompletedIn progressLow
    154Procurement to PayPurchasingFormRedactedPurchase Order FormGovCompletedIn progressLow
    155Procurement to PayPurchasingWorkflowRedactedPurchase Order WorkflowGovCompletedIn progressLow
    156Procurement to PaySourcingEnhancementRedactedDOA FrameworkGovCompletedIn progressHigh
    157Procurement to PaySourcingEnhancementRedactedRFQ Visibility ControlsGovIn progressIn progressMedium
    158Travel and ExpenseExpense ManagementInterfaceRedactedTEMS 923/TEMS & SAP: Cost centre interfaceGovCompletedIn progressLow
    159Travel and ExpenseExpense ManagementInterfaceRedactedTEMS 924/SAP to TEMS: GL InterfaceGovCompletedIn progressLow
    160Travel and ExpenseExpense ManagementInterfaceRedactedTEMS 925/SAP and TEMS: WBS interfaceGovCompletedIn progressLow
    161Travel and ExpenseExpense ManagementInterfaceRedactedTEMS (INPROG)H2R-Expense8 Payment Data to ECPGovIn progressIn progressLow
    162Travel and ExpenseExpense ManagementInterfaceRedactedTEMS & SAP: Code Combinations interfaceGovCompletedIn progressLow
    163Travel and ExpenseExpense ManagementInterfaceRedactedTEMS & SAP: Approved cc expense interfacGovCompletedIn progressLow
    164Travel and ExpenseExpense ManagementInterfaceRedactedTEMS & SAP: Employee vendor interfaceGovCompletedIn progressLow
    165Travel and ExpenseExpense ManagementInterfaceRedactedTEMS GovERP FS_e8 Non-Taxable Travel Allowances_928GovCompletedIn progressLow
    166Travel and ExpenseExpense ManagementInterfaceRedactedTEMS GovERP FS_e8 Employee Reimbursements Interface_932GovIn progressIn progressLow
    167Travel and ExpenseExpense ManagementInterfaceRedactedTEMS GovERP FS_e8 Credit Card Expenses Interface_929GovIn progressIn progressLow

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