Your responsibilities
To successfully meet this criterion, agencies will need to:
- ‘build once, use many times’
- design for a common, seamless experience
- reuse data where possible.
When to apply
Apply Criterion 6 during the Discovery and Alpha phases to capture potential solutions, new and existing, that the service could use to solve problems.
Foster a culture of sharing experiences with other agencies, build on the learnings taken from them and align to common platforms, patterns and standards throughout the Service design and delivery process.
Questions for consideration
- What could be aligned with on the Australian Government Architecture?
- What platforms, patterns and standards could the service reuse?
- What are the alternatives to building from scratch?
- Which agencies run similar services that could be built upon?
- How can new or bespoke components be made for future reuse?
- What data do we already collect, and can it be repurposed?
How to apply criterion 6
Criterion 7. Do no harm
When and how to apply this criterion
When to apply
Apply Criterion 7 throughout Discovery, Alpha, Beta and Live to identify and manage existing and emergent risks to users.
Adhere to the criterion through the entire life of your service to minimise and, ideally, eliminate negative impacts on users, even if unintentional.
How to apply
Questions for consideration:
- are there any adverse or unintended consequences foreseeable?
- which user rights will be most affected?
- what data is drawn upon for decision making?
- how will the findings of your Privacy Impact Assessment be addressed?
- how is the collection, use and storage of data being made clear to users?
- how is users’ informed consent being obtained?
Your responsibilities
To successfully meet this criterion, you need to:
- protect users’ digital rights
- understand privacy impacts
- understand the limits of data.
Protects users’ digital rights
Uphold digital rights: Consider how your service might impact the digital rights of your users. Build with pre-emptive measures in mind (such as net neutrality, access to information without censorship and freedom of online assembly). Identify users facing greater personal risks and ensure they’re provided with the means to access, communicate and contest the service transparently or anonymously. If rights are breached, move quickly to implement changes that prevent future harm.
Consider flow-on effects: Consider the implications of your service beyond its immediate impacts. Workshop environmental, economic or social impacts and undertake scenario planning to explore unforeseen issues and opportunities.
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Understand privacy impacts
Undertake a Privacy Impact Assessment: Undertake a Privacy Impact Assessment to capture issues. Mitigate unwarranted and unauthorised surveillance, data collection and malicious data breaches, and share these actions with users.
Obtain consent: Where required, seek and obtain informed consent from users prior to collecting, storing or disclosing any of their data. Consider opt-out options and build your service to require as little user data as possible.
Be transparent: Communicate how data your service will be used or may be used in the future at the time of consent. This includes how it may be shared with other people or between services and secondary or less obvious uses.
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Understand the limits of data
Use data ethically: Data should only be collected and used for the stated purpose that the user agrees to. Account for how data models, datasets and algorithms may produce discriminatory results and provide transparent detail to users on how decisions and calculations are made. Before sharing data, apply the DATA Scheme’s Data Sharing Principles to help assess whether it would be safe to do so.
Use qualitative and quantitative data: Quantitative (numeric, measurable; metrics) data helps us understand what is happening on a service, while it takes qualitative (descriptive, observable; user observation) data will help us understand why. Use both to fully understand the story and match any correlation with a provable causation before making important decisions.
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Criterion 8 – Innovate with purpose
Consider diverse user needs from the outset
Listen to and understand diverse user needsConsider diverse user needs from the outset to make sure your service caters to as many users as possible. Consider the different identities, characteristics, and perspectives of users to make your digital service
welcoming and inclusive for all.Conduct usability testing with diverse user groups
Do usability testing with individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those with different abilities, ages, and cultural
contexts. Adopt inclusive prototyping techniques, to simulate the experiences of users with different abilities and identify potential challenges. Recognise that various aspects of a person’s identity, such as race, gender, and age all intersect to shape their digital experience. -
Co-design the digital service and its accompanying artifacts
Co-design with users
Involve users throughout the Service Design and Delivery Process to make sure their perspectives, needs and feedback are incorporated into the final service. Encourage shared ownership by co-designing accompanying artifacts, such as tutorials and guides, using language that is meaningful for all.
Consider cohort specific digital inclusion requirements (outlined below)Tailor your digital service to meet the specific needs of users to promote inclusion and make sure support is provided at the appropriate level. Consider how you will apply the following cohort specific requirements when designing and delivering digital services.
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Your responsibilities
To successfully meet this criterion, you need to:
- follow guidance on critical and emerging technologies
- maintain interoperability in the face of new technology
- track adoption of new technology.
When and how to apply the criterion
When to apply
Apply Criterion 8 during Discovery and Alpha to deliver a modern, high-quality services.
Consider this criterion throughout the Service Design and Delivery Process to keep the service at pace with changing user expectations.
How to apply
Questions for consideration:
- how does a new technology benefit your service?
- how will you validate a new technology is interoperable with services?
- what can you learn from other agencies’ experiences?
- what are the ongoing requirements of supporting a new technology?
Follow guidance on critical and emerging technologies
Stay current: Technology can advance at a staggering pace. If available, refer to government guidance on risks, opportunities and developments for up-to-date advice on critical or emerging technology that may impact your service.
Regularly check the Australian Government Architecture: Follow published guidance in the Australian Government Architecture for the adoption of critical and emerging technologies.
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Maintain interoperability in the face of new technology
Consider interoperability: Consider whether new technologies will impact your service’s interoperability. Plan for its introduction or implementation in partnership with other affected agencies to prevent further divergence or disconnection.
Be digital ready: Undertake an assessment of your preparedness for new technologies. Consider the resources and training for a new technology that will be required by your agency and team.
Connect with the digital community
Share, build or learn digital experience and skills with training and events, and collaborate with peers across government.