Questions for consideration
- What needs or goals motivate users to engage digitally?
- Have we gathered feedback or analytics to understand user needs?
- How might we customise the user experience to resonate with diverse user needs?
- Have we addressed digital barriers causing users to seek alternate service delivery channels?
- Have you considered how others have overcome similar issues across government?
Suggested activities to apply it
DTA digital policy & standards
Improving the experience for people and businesses interacting digitally with government information and services.
Previous criterion
Go back to the Digital Service Standard.
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Criterion 3 – Protect users
Create an environment where users feel safe to foster trust and participation for a more inclusive digital community.
Your responsibilities
To successfully meet this criterion, agencies need to:
- establish and maintain a safe digital environment for users
- counter scams and misinformation
- provide transparency and feedback loops.
When to apply
Apply Criterion 3 throughout Live as you build and maintain a safe user environment.
Revisit this criterion across the Service design and delivery process to ensure Safety by design principles are incorporated where appropriate.
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Questions for consideration
- How can we establish confidence and trust among users?
- Are we clear about potential risks to users and proactive in mitigating these risks?
- How can we monitor and respond to safety-related incidents quickly?
- Have we incorporated safeguards that allow services to be used in public spaces, such as libraries and service centres?
Suggested activities to apply it
Provides a whole-of-government arrangement for the measurement of website traffic to gov.au domains using Google Analytics
Connect with the digital community
Share, build or learn digital experience and skills with training and events, and collaborate with peers across government.